Description This article describes techniques on how to identify, debug, and troubleshoot issues...
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This article describes digital certificates and explains the use and validation of them.
Certificates come with the use of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or its successor, Transport Layer Security (TLS, la...
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This article details the effect of disabling the 'maintainer' account on a FortiGate.
Before v7.2.4, the 'maintainer' account can be used to reset the admin password on FortiGat...
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DescriptionThis article shows how to use the open source program cURL to test connectivity to (or through) FortiGate using various cipher suites. This is useful when doing vulnerability assessments, and can confirm wheth...
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This article explains a precaution when configuring Fortinet VM appliances with a transparent mode (L2-bridge mode) on VMware ESXi.1. When you deploy an OVF template of Fortinet VM appliance, all source netwo...
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DescriptionWhen making international shipments of defective product to Fortinet it is important to declare certain information such as a short product description, the ECCN and HTS codes, and a value for the defective ma...
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