Description This article describes how to verify IPSA (Intrusion
Prevention System Acceleration) is supported on a FortiGate device.
Scope FortiGate. Solution If it is uncertain whether IPSA is supported
on a FortiGate device, run the following comma...
Description This article describes how NSX and LSSO connectors can be
used to get the state of SDN connectors in the CLI or receive SDN
Connector status by email. API can be used to get the state of the SDN
connector and automation stitches can be tr...
Description This article describes how to disable the Forward Error
Correction (FEC) Feature on FortiGate ULL ports. Scope FortiGate.
Solution FortiGate: This issue only applies to devices with ULL ports
after 7.2.9. FortiGate platforms with ultra-lo...
Description This article describes how to Block/Allow URLs that contain
a specific string with a Web Application Firewall. Scope FortiGate, Web
Application Firewall. Solution set pattern "" This article
describes how to use WAF to allow or block any ...
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