Description This article describes how to integrate a server MicroK8S
with the FortiCNAPP agent Scope Lacework, FortiCNAPP. Solution The usage
of a product like MicroK8s for production scopes can be considered
debatable but in some scenarios where bu...
Description This article describes how to enable the 'access_token'
parameter in the URL for a FortiGate API request. Scope FortiGate, REST
API. Solution Starting from v7.4.5, API requests no longer allow the
access_token as a URL parameter by defaul...
Description This article describes how to troubleshoot address
flickering in FortiGate caused by VMware connector issues. It covers key
debugging steps on FortiGate and VMware technologies to understand
eventual VM network configuration discrepancies...
Description This article shows how an A-A cluster deployed over Azure
must be configured to avoid malfunctioning Scope Azure FortiGate
Solution Setting up a FortiGate autoscale Active-Active cluster on Azure
can be challenging and could lead to commo...
Description This article describes FortiGate autoscaling in Azure
without VMSS infrastructure. Scope FortiGate Azure. Solution In an Azure
deployment, it is possible to create an active/active FortiGate cluster.
The easiest way is via the Azure Marke...
Hello Matthias, Please to check that if you are using trusted hosts,
they are set in the admin and the API User. Would you also please to
regenerate the API key and try again? Thank you Regards Luca
Hello, I guess you are following what is written
that decommission can take some time to be executed (worst case let's
say 1 day), moreover ensure that there are...
Great Stuff! Very interesting article, if you allow me I would have a
couple of questions. As far as I see from the drawing it seems that the
fortiextender is an execellent solution for a Vehicle to Infrastructure
configuration. Do you think that in ...
Hello Guys, From a general Azure point of view you can always reset the
password of a VM by doing the following command in the Azure Console, it
is a little extreme but it helps also with FGT VM az vm user update -n
{vm name} -g {resource group name}...