Description This article describes that the same IP address cannot be
assigned to both the VRRP Virtual IP (VRIP) and the VLAN interface IP.
Scope FortiSwitch. Solution This conflict often arises when the system
interface's IP address and the VRRP vi...
Description This article describes how to diagnose the SNMP on a
FortiSwitch. Scope FortiSwitch. Solution For SNMP configurations on
managed or standalone FortiSwitch, refer to the following documents:
Configuring SNMP SNMP Ping the SNMP server from ...
Description This article describes how to verify and modify the TLS
(Transport Layer Security) version settings on a FortiSwitch. Scope
FortiSwitch, Solution Checking TLS Version Configuration: Execute the
following command to view the current TLS ve...
Description This article describes how to determine the reason for a red
power LED on a FortiSwitch. Scope FortiSwitch. Solution Check Power
Supply Status: Execute the command ‘diagnose sys psu status’ to verify
the status of both power supply units ...
Hello, You can rename the switches by navigating as below: FortiGate -->
WiFi&Switch controller --> Managed Switch --> select the switch and
right click --> click on edit --> Give new name Find the attached for
Are you able to take the console access of the switch? If yes, share the
below outputs: - get system interface - get system arp - show system
interface Thanks. Sandeep