Description This article describes the steps needed to integrate a
FortiGate interface with the Bell Fibe ISP in Canada. These steps are
primarily aimed at those already using this ISP and wishing to have the
public IP on the FortiGate interface rath...
Description This article describes how to sniff CAPWAP-Data channel
traffic without resorting to using clear-text and maintaining data
channel security. Scope FortiGate v5.6.0+, FortiAP v5.4.2+. Solution The
communication between the FortiGate and Fo...
Description This article describes scenarios when using a
fixed-port-range IPPool is used within a policy with fixed port enabled
(policy setting). The combination is contradictory, and this article
explains why traffic may be blocked. Scope FortiGat...
Hi There, My apologies , you are right that this setting is gone , it
seems it was removed in 7.4.2 and sounds like we need to update the KB
with this information. There is a second method outlined here: IPsec
support for round robin and RPS distribu...
IPSEC Load distribution is a bit of a complex topic to discuss without
knowing all the variables in play like the traffic patterns and what
tunnels they go into and the amount of tunnels , so this response will
be general information to help frame th...
Hi Henrik,I believe this will need to be discussed with your field SE
for specifics as they may have to inquire about particular models
internally. Normally though for a regular Fortigate-60F the power-supply
included is the one you should use. Only ...
Hi AndyIf I were in your position , I would try and _avoid_ the use of
VXLAN if its not strictly necessary , expanding Layer 2 networks over
large distances is not always the best solution , but I recognize this
is sometimes unavoidable. The main con...
Yes the 600E/601E's second PSU Bay is hot-pluggable , thus it wont be
necessary to restart/shutdown the device to insert it after the cover is
removed on the back.