Description This article describes the Radius connection issue with
Microsoft NPAS after FortiGate upgraded to v7.2.10 or v7.4.5. Scope
FortiGate v7.2.10/v7.4.5/v7.6.1 and MS NPS Windows Server. Solution
After FortiGate upgrades to 7.2.10/7.4.5/7.6.1...
Description This article describes a specific traffic forwarding through
an IPSec VPN Site to Site in which the destination is an FQDN (website)
group. The example in the article was defined in the most simple way
possible to avoid misunderstanding w...
Description This article describes how to fix a wrong user shown on the
Device Inventory Monitor or Asset Identity Center. Scope IoT Signature,
Fortiguard Servers, FortiOS v7.2.4, WAD Service. Lab Scenario: user1 and
user2 PC01 Solution In the contex...
Description This article describes a way to block external DNS queries
to an internal DNS server when it is exposed to the internet. Scope
FortiGate. Solution The following setup is used in this example:
FortiGate interfaces: Port2 (WAN) - 192.168.1....
Description This article describes how to upload files to attach them to
a Ticket. Scope FortiCloud Portal, Files. Solution Old FortiCloud
support portal: The customer has 2 options to send files to the system
and attach them to the corresponding tic...