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New Contributor II

VPNSSL connection almost impossible, reset at 98%

Hi all !


Latest version of FortiClient VPN (, latest FGT firmware (v7.0.14 build0601)

I am using a Windows 11 insider dev channel. Since last weeks upgrade (build 26058 release 240209-1555), I am almost unable to connect via SSLVPN.

Nothing has changed appart from this upgrade, all the other remote users running "standard" windows 11 versions have absolutely no problem.


My client log is filled with errors that I found on other threads but with no solution :

error: poll_send_ssl ->SSL_get_error(): 5, try:1
error: poll_send_ssl -> WSAGetLastError():2745, try:1
error: poll_send_ssl ->data size: 66, try:1
[handle_driver_read_event]: error: poll_send
error: poll_recv_ssl -> SSL_get_error(): 5
error: poll_recv_ssl -> WSAGetLastError():2745
error: polling recv, try:1



If I insist a lot, after some time it will connect (maybe 20 retries), and the log looks absolutely normal (nothing logged appart from connection established).


On the Fortigate side, I have "SSL web application blocked", and "ssl exit error, reason DH Lib".
I have no idea what this is, and above all why it sometimes work !


Can some help me on this matter ? Thanks a lot !


PS : there is not client certificate, as some support pages mention this.


I would try turning off IPv6 on both the Ethernet and SSLVPN adaptor within your network settings.

Please try and see if a specific Windows Update is installed with the PowerShell command: 'Get-Hotfix  KB2693643'. This update can cause the issue you are seeing.

"Never trust a computer you can't throw out a window."
New Contributor II

This hotfix does not seem to be installed, but as I mentioned I am using a dev channel windows 11 version, so this might by included in the base version of the OS rather than in a hotfix, right ?


Hello @ArnaudL 

The possible reasons are  for disconnection at <98%> :

  • Issues at this stage usually occur due to a corrupted installation of FortiClient or due to OS problems.
  • Reinstall the FortiClient software on the system.
  • Check for compatibility issues between FortiGate and FortiClient.
  • This may also occur when attempting to negotiate SSL VPN with the free version of FortiClient.

You can refer this KB for reference :
Link for FortiGate and FortiClient compatibility link :


New Contributor II

Hi @Rajneesh 
I have reinstalled many times already, including older versions of the forticlient.
Forticlient and Fortigate are at the latest version, as mentioned in my original message, so incompatibility is unlikely.

Using the free version of Forticlient should not be a problem so we cannot investigate this possibility any further as we will not move to EMS.


Dear @ArnaudL 


Please can you disable IPv6 on the NIC of the client machine and try again.

Please follow the KB -

Best regards,


New Contributor II

Hi @esalija , thanks for the tip.
Do you mean the physical NIC, or the virtual Fortinet SSL VPN Virtual adapter ?


Edit : sorry, I had not seen the reply by @johnathan . I'll give it a try, but disabling ipv6 on my physical adapter is not a viable solution.

New Contributor II

@esalija and @johnathan 
I am working remotely today so I gave it a try but it does not help. Disabling IPv6 in both the Fortinet SSL VPN adapter and my Wifi interface made no difference.

New Contributor II

@ArnaudL wrote:

If I insist a lot, after some time it will connect (maybe 20 retries), and the log looks absolutely normal (nothing logged appart from connection established).

I had to retry for about 1 hour to finally get connected this morning.


Hi @ArnaudL,


Please refer to


Based on your FortiClient logs "WSAGetLastError():2745", 2745 in hexadecimal is = 10053 in decimal and based on Microsoft link below, WSAECONNABORTED 10053 = Software caused connection abort. An established connection was aborted by the software in your host computer, possibly due to a data transmission time-out or protocol error.


Is there any third party software that might conflict with FortiClient? Have you tried different internet connection (wifi/ethernet)?





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