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VPN IPSEC Dialup Connection IKE v2

Hello Guys,

I have two questions about the Ike V2 IPSEC DIalup Connection.


I want to configure in my enviroment (two fortigate 100F HA) like 150 dialup external connection. I have setup an IPSEC Tunnel (IkeV2) and set policy correctly.


I created the users locally (without any Proxy or RADIUS) and inserted in a group.


The VPN works fine but i have two questions:

- Is binding set in the IPSEC configuration the authusrgrp? because i haven't set and i won't set because if i set, every time thast the people connect appear when the people search a local ip for example, the Fortigate Auth page, and for us isn't necessary. So if i unset that is an error?


-  Ikev2 works fine with the local user (i enabled the EAP)? because i haven't any other type of authentication


Thank you so much


Hi, a bit hard to understand the questions, but anyway:

- EAP is authentication, once you enable it, how further you authenticate users is up to you and security demands - if you set local user group, it will work, if you set RADIUS group - this will work too. Generally, local users with local authentication is deemed NOT best practice nowadays. What do you mean by "not setting authusrgrp" ? How does then local user authentication works? Did you set user group in rules instead?

- If you disable EAP (disabled by default), then users will only need Pre-Shared Key to connect, no user/pass will pop up, which is again - today deemed not best practice at all. 


Here is an example of working IKEv2 Dial up with local users/passwords:



config user group
    edit "yurisk1grp"
        set member "yurisk1"

config vpn ipsec phase1-interface
    edit IKEv2
        set int port1
        set type dynamic
        set ike-version 2
        set peertype any
        set mode-cfg enable
        set ipv4-start
        set ipv4-end
        set dns-mode auto
        set eap enable
        set eap-identity send-request
        set authusrgrp yurisk1grp
        set psk LSkJDFHKJfh==

config vpn ipsec phase2-interface
    edit "IKEv2P2"
        set phase1name "IKEv2"
        set proposal aes128-sha1 aes256-sha1 aes128-sha256 aes256-sha256

And rule allowing access to LAN for ANY service (not recommended):

config firewall policy
    edit 0
        set srcint IKEv2
        set dstint port1
        set srcaddr all
        set dstaddr all
        set service ALL
        set schedule always
        set action accept
        set nat enable
        set logtraffic all



Yuri  blog: All things Fortinet, no ads.
Yuri blog: All things Fortinet, no ads.

Hi Yuri thanks for your indications, and sorry for bad explanation of questions!

So my problem is, if i set this:

set authusrgrp yurisk1grp

Everytime that the people try to reach some internal ip (like a NAS or other) appear a fgtauth webpage (although there is a group policy with the users in the group, the address range, ecc..


The people pass the authentication through the FortiCLient but after, if they navigate to local ip, appears the Fortigate Authentication page

So i don't wanna that this page appear everytime and if i remove this:

set authusrgrp yurisk1grp

the fgtauth page doesn't appear anymore...



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