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Firmware update error: File is not an update file

Hello all, I am trying to update the firmware of my old Fortigate 200A to the latest version. Currently running Fortigate-200A 2.80,build359,050210. Tried updating multiple times via the GUI with these firmware image files (confirmed checksums)... FGT_200-v280-build184-FORTINET.out FGT_200-v280-build219-FORTINET.out FGT_200-v280-build250-FORTINET.out Each time I try after 30 seconds or so I get this error: Error File is not an update file. Any suggestions? The aim is to eventually get up to the latest v4.0MR3. Thanks, Derek
New Contributor

1) You have a FortiGate 200A and the firmware files are for the FortiGate 200 (different model) 2) If you' re on v2.8 build 359, wouldn' t the other firmware images in your list be downgrades?
New Contributor

@jmac, thank you so much. Yes, I had been trying with the wrong image files! Yes, I realize now those would have been downgrades. The MR numbers were really throwing me off. So confusing. Thanks again, Derek

Yikes, I have another problem now... I just updated from FGT_200A-v280-build519-FORTINET.out to FGT_200A-v300-build0660-FORTINET.out but after logging in I' m taken directly to the System > Network page. I am missing the critical System > Status homepage! Any suggestions? Thanks, Derek
Valued Contributor III

Did you follow the upgrade path in the release notes? You cannot go directly from one to the other. From the release notes:
3 Upgrade Information 3.1 Upgrading from FortiOS v2.50 Upgrades from FortiOS v2.50 to FortiOS v3.00 directly is NOT supported. Upgrade to at least FortiOS v2.80 MR11 prior to upgrading to FortiOS v3.00 MR5. Refer to the FortiOS v2.80 MR11 release notes for upgrade procedures. 3.2 Upgrading from FortiOS v2.80 Upgrade to FortiOS v2.80 MR11 prior to upgrading to FortiOS v3.00 MR5. Refer to the FortiOS v2.80 MR11 release notes for upgrade procedures.

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Thanks for the reply. Yes, I thought so... I had just upgraded to v2.80,Build519 = v2.80 MR12. So that would have satisfied the " Upgrade to FortiOS v2.80 MR11 prior to upgrading to FortiOS v3.00 MR6." requirement, right?
Valued Contributor III

Your prior upgrade to MR12 should have satisfied the requirement.
3.2 Upgrading from FortiOS v2.80 Upgrade to FortiOS v2.80 MR11 prior to upgrading to FortiOS v3.00 MR5
To be safe, I usually upgrade from the latest patch version of my level to the latest of the next, if I' m going that many revisions. And always backup between each upgrade!

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Thanks but from the " FortiOS-v3.00-MR6-Release-Notes.pdf" on page 10:
3.2 Upgrading from FortiOSv2.80 Upgrade to FortiOS v2.80 MR11 prior to upgrading to FortiOS v3.00 MR6.

Oh gosh... What options do I have now for downgrading the firmware? Do I have to use the console cable with CLI and TFTP server?? Yikes, if so! The configuration is brand new so I' m not worried about that. Thanks again.
Valued Contributor III

Try to downgrade using the GUI, then a restore of the last good configuration. If that doesn' t work (and the config is so new and easy) I would just format the flash, and install the firmware of the level you wish to end at, then configure from scratch. (yes, YIKES, the TFTP and serial cable...)

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:

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