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win11 + fortiToken + forticlient VPN


hope all fine.


im using win 11 with all latest update.

i was using forticlient VPN so far with no prob.

recently my compnay enabled 2fa FortiToken for remote work.

but when i try login, it stuck at 48 and entring token not show up.

have no idea wts goin on.

appreciated if u can help me.test.png

Valued Contributor II

Hello @Mashhadi ,


Did you activate your FortiToken on your mobile phone? 


If your web ssl-vpn portal is activated, you can try that. If you can connect successfully with a web vpn, your machine is problematic. But if you can't connect to web ssl-vpn, your IT team needs to review your account settings.


If stuck on %48, generally this is related to an untrusted certificate. Did you make any changes to your vpn configuration on your client?


Also, you can contact your IT team, they can diagnose the problem. For this error, also need to inspect firewall debug logs.

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NSE 4-5-6-7 OT Sec - ENT FW
If you have found a solution, please like and accept it to make it easily accessible to others.NSE 4-5-6-7 OT Sec - ENT FW

ye fortitoken on mobile is activated,

we tested on other pc with same user pass and it worked.

i didnt change anything, actually vpn conect without 2fa, but when 2fa activated its not workin.


Valued Contributor II

Hello @Mashhadi ,


Thats intersting, normally FortiToken not affect anything. But you can try these. First, you can remove your vpn configuration and reconfigure again. If it not working, you can remove forticlient and reinstall with newer version.

If you have found a solution, please like and accept it to make it easily accessible to others.
NSE 4-5-6-7 OT Sec - ENT FW
If you have found a solution, please like and accept it to make it easily accessible to others.NSE 4-5-6-7 OT Sec - ENT FW

thx man, honestly i did all these couple of times, 

other ways we can think?


Hi @Mashhadi,


You need to collect SSLVPN debugs on the FortiGate to see what's going on. Please refer to this article:



New Contributor

thx man, so i ask tech team to do all these ?

cuz im just user.

other ways we can think?


Hello @Mashhadi 


Generally, logs can give more details, but it looks like the issue revolves around that PC and might be because of the certificate. Enabling these debugs on FortiGate could also help in isolating this issue.


diagnose debug reset

diagnose debug cons time en
diag debug application fnbamd -1
diagnose debug app sslvpn -1

diagnose debug enable





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