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FortiClient on Mac ARM with Windows 11 in parallels VM

When will there be an ARM64 Windows 11 version of the FortiClient VPN client be available?

I'm technical consultant working for many customers with many different VPN solutions. I'm using Windows under a Parallels Desktop VM to access those systems on a Macbook pro.

Now I switched to a new Macbook Pro with Apple M1 cpu which has an ARM64 architecture. So I'm now on Windows 11 ARM version. Cisco is the only VPN client (and those on virtual desktops) which is working in this constellation. I tried the 32 and 64 bit versions of the current windows FortiClients, none is working.

I think there has to be a new ARM Windows version with a new tap-module to solve the problem.

Has anyone a clue?


Best regards


New Contributor

Still not working. The install stops about 75% of the way, then rolls back and says the install was stopped "prematurely". The work-around, if that's what you want to call it, is to install the VPN for Mac. Once connected, the Windows VM can connect through the VPN running on the Mac side.

New Contributor II

Unfortunately, the Microsoft Store app does not work properly when some details are used as a different port.


So, It is still not working.


I have a W11 ARM VM on VMware Fusion w/ FortiClient installed on a Mac Air M1, works just fine.

"jack of all trades, master of none"
"jack of all trades, master of none"

I am using the Parallels than VMWare. But, just to check, can you share the link to the version of the app that are you using for it?

New Contributor II

FortiClient v1.0.1041 
in Windows Store: 1.0.1041.0

Version in Windows StoreVersion in Windows Store




New Contributor II

I am using FortiClient v1.0.1041 in a Virtual PC (via Parallels Desktop) on a Mac with M1 processor.

The structure of the M1 processor means that Windows 11 can only be used as an ARM version. In this Windows, the FortiClient can only be loaded from Windows Store.

It must be said that the Virtual PC is considered subordinate in the network (due to technical reasons) and therefore FortiClient cannot be accessed from MacOS in Windows active.

Some applications go more elegantly on Windows (SAP for example) and for some applications it does not matter. Therefore, for such cases I have installed FortClient for Mac OS. If this is active, both OS (Mac OS and Windows OS) can access the VPN.

The disadvantage of the Mac version is that since version 7 the config is encrypted and therefore you can not set that the password can be saved.

The disadvantage of the Windows ARM version is, it deactivates itself in sleep mode, select params in the advanced settings make sense, and it must be selected whether the VPN is used in private / public networks.

For the Windows ARM version, the traditional client is not available in the console, but the Windows system settings can be used, where you can let off steam.

See screenshots

.App in Windows StoreApp in Windows StoreApp GUIApp GUI


Add a ConnectionAdd a ConnectionSettings of a ConnectionSettings of a ConnectionExt. Settings of a ConnectionExt. Settings of a ConnectionEdit of a ConnectionEdit of a ConnectionMac Fortinet ConsoleMac Fortinet Console

New Contributor

Good morning,

My dear, do you know any Solutions for this issue, I just have the same problem.
I appreciate any help or comment.

Thank you!

New Contributor II

Well... I could get the app works correctly only using the FortiClient from Windows Store. It has not worked when I installed the app downloaded from the web site.

You can try to use different variations on the "Server name or Address", like:

and others.

New Contributor

Thankyou Edmilson,


I try to use FortiClient from Microsoft Store, but I can't Setting, I used the guide prensent in the forun...


Captura de Pantalla 2023-03-04 a la(s) 7.35.51 a. m..png

New Contributor II

What is the error that I get?

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