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CPU and Memory threshold best practices



Is there any best practices for what the CPU and Memory thresholds should be for Fortigate 900D? We are running FortiOS 5.4.4 on our devices.



Valued Contributor

Like what percentages you want to keep them under? It really depends on the environment and architecture. For instance, if you have two Gates in an active - active HA you want the total load to be less than 50% so if one fails the other can handle everything etc.

Mike Pruett Fortinet GURU | Fortinet Training Videos

We're running two 900Ds in Active-Passive mode. Would just like to know if there is any best practices for system health monitoring, i.e. CPU < 50%, mem < 75% etc. I couldn't find any documentation on this.




CPU and memory load are handled differently.

CPU spiking, even up to 100%, is OK. Average CPU load above, say, 50%, would indicate that the HW is underpowered. That is my personal subjective opinion. The CPU is needed for session setup, DNS, NTP, NAT and more, some GUI as well, so a high CPU mark would most probably indicate that too many sessions per second are opened (for instance). Beware that handling the HA traffic needs resources too.

In my experience, permanent CPU overload occurs seldom. If it does, funny things can happen. My old 50B just rebooted after some minutes with 100% CPU load...but that's long ago.


High memory usage on the other hand has the potential to compromise functionality up to fatal breakdown. FortiOS will terminate services (processes) if memory usage exceeds 80%. This is documented. The error log message at this moment declares "conserve mode entered" which should ring all alarm bells. If memory consumption is still rising, you will lose the WebGUI at one point, and later the FGT will stall.

For instance, loading an 80C rev.1 model with 512 MB RAM with FortiOS v5.4 immediately produced 67% memory usage. I would not put that into production, or else I would have to watch it closely.



Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Esteemed Contributor III

I have to agreed with Ede. Also keep in mind that  if the traffic is offload to a NP , the CPU is out of the picture for the most part. Where we see high cpu usage or memory



UTM av-profile policies


captive portal


during  software uploads or reports

heavy logging or multiple logging destinations ( mem fAz syslogd fcloud etc.....)





So just set some  threshold values and monitor ( e.g 75% warning 90% critical etc......)





PCNSE NSE StrongSwan

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