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New Contributor III

Block all Streaming Media

I need to block all streaming audio/video. No only Youtube but streaming media needs to be blocked in News Websites as well like BBC, CNN, etc. Blocking FortiGuard category " Streaming Media" does not prevent streaming in News Websites. How to block all Audio/Video Streaming in FortiGate ver 4.0 MR3

Ahead of the Threat. FCNSA v5 / FCNSP v5

Fortigate 1000C / 1000D / 1500D


Ahead of the Threat. FCNSA v5 / FCNSP v5 Fortigate 1000C / 1000D / 1500D
Contributor III

did you try this settings under app control? (see the attached file)

Fortigate Newbie

Fortigate Newbie
New Contributor III

Wanted to achieve the same using Web Filtering Only without going for " Application control" .

Ahead of the Threat. FCNSA v5 / FCNSP v5

Fortigate 1000C / 1000D / 1500D


Ahead of the Threat. FCNSA v5 / FCNSP v5 Fortigate 1000C / 1000D / 1500D
Contributor II

App.Control block the traffic on L7 (regardless of source/website). Webfiltering are a " human" based categorization. So, the best way will using App.Control.

Regards, Paulo Raponi

Regards, Paulo Raponi
Valued Contributor III

By URL alone, how do you know the difference between a Youtube search and a Youtube stream? Application control analyzes the actual packets giving you more control over content than URL filtering alone (similar to AV).

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:
New Contributor III

Thanks one and all.

Ahead of the Threat. FCNSA v5 / FCNSP v5

Fortigate 1000C / 1000D / 1500D


Ahead of the Threat. FCNSA v5 / FCNSP v5 Fortigate 1000C / 1000D / 1500D

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