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3G/4G modem compatibility in Germany

hi fellows, I am tasked to provide a GSM/UMTS backup WAN link for a customer. The provider will be vodafone. I already have the Modem Compatibility list from FTN but it lists a lot of outdated or non-available models. Vodafone sells Huawei K5150 LTE or Huawei K4203-HV. Can anyone please recommend a supported surfstick on the German market, from real world use? Will be used in conjuction with a FortiExtender, probably the external one (FEX-100B). Thanks in advance.
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
New Contributor III

Hi ede_pau, I used a Fonic ' branded' Huawei E3750 stick bought at DM with only one issue: I didn' t get the SMS with the information about a to low budget on prepaid accout... It was connected to a FWF60C with FortiOS 4.3.?? or a very early 5.0.?? release. Don' t forget to reboot the Fortigate when connecting or disconnection the UMTS stick. Regards Tinyadmin

Hello Ede, some time ago we had a similar scenario. (Wireless Backup Link) At the end we created a transfernet at the wan2 interface of the FortiGate device and used the supplied Vodafone LTE router (Fritzbox). Maybe this will work for you too. Sincerely Harald

thank you tinyadmin and Harald,


this doesn't sound it is really simple. I've got the ZTE K4505-Z modem stick here now, plus a FortiExtender to be able to find a suitable place for it near the window. I will try my best and report back here.

This shouldn't be complicated at all. For modem commands you only need 'dial in' and 'hang up' plus some negotiations. Feels like I'm back in the 90's again...

Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!

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