Hello, I'm running a FAZ-100C with Firmware 5.2.8I'm looking for Charts
showing DoS Events but can't find any.Currently I get alert mails when
traffic hits a DoS policy. In the future I want to include these
information into my FortiAnalyzer reports....
Hello, currently I' m running 2 FAP-221C (Firmware 5.0 build 0449)
together with a FG40C-HA-Cluster (A-P) on FortiOS 5.0.7 (build 4457,
branch point 271). I' m planing to upgrade my Fortigates to FortiOS
5.0.8 (build 4601, branch point 291), but I' m...
Hello, I have some questions about proxy-based vs. flow-based av
scanning and hope you can help me: 1. Is it possible to use flow-based
and proxy-based av profiles on one FortiGate device at the same time? 2.
When I try to test this I get the error m...
Hello, I dont think blocking SMB (tcp/445) inside a vpn tunnel is the
right solution, because you need this for Windows network file access.
To protect your systems I would instead assign an IPS profile to the
tunnel traffic. (both WCra and Petya wil...
Hello, if you dont have any config, you dont need to follow the upgrade
path - this is only necessary to ensure proper migration of the
config.Just load the new firmware to the device, after the reboot exec a
factory reset and start configuring the u...
Hello Marek, which Firmware are you running?Generaly you can optimize
ips by using different ips-profiles (instead of using the "default"
profile) where you only enable patterns that are realy relevant (client
<=> server, enabling only operating syst...
In the past I used MRTG to monitor my Fortinet devices (bandwith, cpu
usage, memory usage, session statistics, . . .)You can customize the
behaviour in the config file, and you can also monitor various values
via SNMP-OID. SincerelyHarald