We have been using switch-interface since build 668, so yes, it does work, and has to either be done at the CLi (as above, after removing ALL DHCP servers, Firewall policies, etc.) or built in a full script.
Here is ours, offering one wireless for internal users (on the same subnet as the LAN), and another for guests.
config system switch-interface
edit " NewInterfaceName"
set member " internal" " wlan"
config system interface
edit " wlan"
set vdom " root"
set wifi-ssid " InternalUsers"
set wifi-security WPA
set wifi-passphrase ENC *see caveats*
edit " internal"
set vdom " root"
edit " wan2"
set vdom " root"
set status down
set type physical
edit " wan1"
set vdom " root"
set ip x.x.x.x y.y.y.y
set allowaccess ping https ssh snmp
set type physical
edit " modem"
edit " ssl.root"
set vdom " root"
set type tunnel
edit " NewInterfaceName"
set vdom " root"
set ip
set allowaccess ping https ssh
set type switch
edit " GuestWireless"
set vdom " root"
set ip
set type wireless
set wifi-ssid " ExternalUsers"
set wifi-security WPA
set wifi-passphrase ENC *see caveats*
Because it is now in a switch, the wlan is no longer a stand-alone interface. Therefore, you lose the ability to manipulate ANY portion of it in the GUI. If you want to restart it, you have to CLi it. If you want to change the SSID, or the passphrase, you have to CLi it. Broadcast/silent? CLi.
Also, because of the above, it is not possible to change the passphrase in plain text, so you will have to find other means to determine the encrypted hash. I would suggest you create a third guest wireless, set the passphrase you want in the GUI, then go to the CLi, highlight the hash, and paste it into your wlan. Then remove/disable the 3rd guest wireless.
Hope this helps!