Well, it wouldn't hurt your firewall or theirs to simply try 3DES - MD5,
and then just clicking through a few random variations. If you hit the
right combination you will have it up all weekend.
That's great that that works for you, but we are seeing;no response on
the LAN sideno response at the console EDIT: Misread. But have the exact
same config across all our devices, and only a subset are experiencing
Very much agree, its not just you, and its late model C, various model
D. Of course, they also always want a HQIP test first, even though the
boot console capture is pretty much stating the obvious. We are
convinced they switched flash provider for b...
It should be noted that we have over 300 60Cs and 60Ds, and are only
seeing this on ~40 or so. We are trying to collect up Gens, BIOS, wifi
controller info, etc., to see if there is a similarity somewhere.
5.2.7 on 60Cs and 60Ds does not solve it. Only disabling the wifi NIC
and adding a FAP does. We have attempted to work with TAC starting with
5.2.1, and every time the answer becomes "try the new firmware" Once
they said 'try 5.4.0' that was enough. ...