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USB disk on a Fortigate 100

Hi, Does anyone know if it is possible to plug a USB external hard drive on the Fortigate 100 and use it to store the logs, quarantine, content archive ... I have tried to plug a USB disk but it is not recognized and so I cant format it. Cheers, Fabien
New Contributor II

Don' t know if Fortigate only recognizes the proprietary FortiUSB hardware.
New Contributor

Don' t know if Fortigate only recognizes the proprietary FortiUSB hardware.
As of MR5, any USB flash drive will be recognized. I' m very pleased to see this change. I don' t know if a hard drive would work however...and given that only firmware images and backed up configuration files are supported, a hard drive seems a bit overkill!
New Contributor III

In any case the fortikey is not designed to accept anything but firmware and configurations (and a whole bunch of fortinet docs etc). There is no facility to put logs etc onto it.
Still learning to type " the"
Still learning to type " the"

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