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Hello, I am trying to do multicasting between a Cisco router and a Fortinet but it does not seem to work. Here is the topology : Source (multicast on -- CISCO Router --- Fortinet (FG100A) --- Receiver I use the Sparse-mode, the Cisco router is defined as the Rendez-vous point. On the Fortinet, I have enabled the multicasting forwardind, defined the sparse-mode on the interfaces, defined the Rendez-vous router, and added rules to allow and the IP of the source. The problem is that on the Cisco router, I can not see any neighboor (show ip pim neighbor), the FOrtinet does not join the multicast IP if I try to access the multicast IP from the receiver. A " show ip mroute" on the Cisco shows the source, but no connexion with the receiver. Does anyone have done this before ? Would anyone have a configuration example ? Thanks, Fabien
New Contributor

hello mate, you should add multicast policies this can be done via the cli : config firewall multicast-policy good luck mate
player. rock the boat , dont sink the ship
player. rock the boat , dont sink the ship
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Hi, I have already done that but that did not change anything : show firewall multicast-policy edit 5 set dstaddr set dstintf " dmz2" set srcaddr set srcintf " dmz1" next end Cheers, Fabien
New Contributor

I think you might have to turn off multicast forwarding, and enable only multicast routing. If I recall correctly (it' s been quite a few months) multicast forwarding just passes the traffic through.
New Contributor

Where is the source of the multicast packet? If it' s on a remote network (not the network your Fortigate is on) you must enter a route on the Fortigate to the source network.
Mitch Fortigate-300A 4.00 (MR3 Patch5) Fortigate-200B 4.00 (MR3 Patch5) Fortigate-50B 4.00 (MR3 Patch6) FortiAnalyzer 100C (MR3 Patch1)
Mitch Fortigate-300A 4.00 (MR3 Patch5) Fortigate-200B 4.00 (MR3 Patch5) Fortigate-50B 4.00 (MR3 Patch6) FortiAnalyzer 100C (MR3 Patch1)
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Hi guys, Thanks for your answers. I have tried to disable the multicast forwarding but that did not change anything. I have a route to the source, here is the topology : client ( --- dmz2 ( FORTIGATE ( dmz1 ---- ( CISCO ( ---- SOURCE ( The source multicasts on the IP address There is not NAT between the client and the source. I am running OSPF, the client can ping the source and vice versa. If the client tries to access the multicast address, sniffing the interface dmz1 of the fortigate I can see the IGMP traffic but I have no video on the client. The diagnose ip multicast mroute shows nothing. The only way it works is if I configure a static-join group on the Fortigate (via the CLI, I join the IP address But there is not point as even if there is no client, the multicast packets are still sent to the Fortigate. I tried sparse-mode and dense-mode with the same problem. Thanks, Regards, Fabien
New Contributor

try adding a multicast policy allowing ospf traffic from the interface that facing the cisco equipment.
player. rock the boat , dont sink the ship
player. rock the boat , dont sink the ship
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Hi, Actually the problem is the same with static routes instead of dynamic routes using OSPF. The source and the client can ping each other without problem. Thanks, Fabien

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