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Problem with CSR

Hi everyone,


I have a problem on Fortigate 600D and Fortigate 60E systems, when i fill the Generate Certificate Signing Request form i cannot use it to get the RapidSSL certificate because of "country code invalid" error. Whether i use Country / Region field or no - i allways get that error code, on multiple CA websites. Country code should be HR which stands for Croatia. Can anyone assist please?


Kind regards,


1 Solution
Esteemed Contributor III

Here's a workaround 


Build it with microsoft cert-manager or openssl ( CSR ) and then send the CSR off to the CA, once you get a certificate, package it up as pfx and import cert+key into the fortigate.


Yes that would be the simplistic way to over come these issues imho. The on appliance CSR mechanism for FortiOS is flakely at some time. ISO 2 letter validations are strange at some time also and for country not so well known ;)


Ken Felix






View solution in original post

PCNSE NSE StrongSwan
Esteemed Contributor III

Here's a workaround 


Build it with microsoft cert-manager or openssl ( CSR ) and then send the CSR off to the CA, once you get a certificate, package it up as pfx and import cert+key into the fortigate.


Yes that would be the simplistic way to over come these issues imho. The on appliance CSR mechanism for FortiOS is flakely at some time. ISO 2 letter validations are strange at some time also and for country not so well known ;)


Ken Felix






PCNSE NSE StrongSwan

Hey thank you for your help. I'd like to go with microsoft cert manager option but i would be very thankfull if you could find a good guide about it and send me the link... i found some but i'm not sure if its about using the mmc console and Creating a Custom Request? after the wizard i end up with a "request file"






How can i get a new firmware for Fortigate 60E? I'm unable to generate this csr and crt, not even on 600D device. I mean, i can generate the csr via GUI, but i can't get it signed at CA because of invalid country code error. Can Fortinet team assist please?


I tried certmgr myself now because I was interested in how it works.

I did generate me a csr file that looks fine so far. However I didn't try to sign it.

Thus I found it rather complicated. There's is plenty of options etc you have to add after creating the request because the wizard don't ask you for it. 

If you are bound to an AD you might not even be able to use it because it then binds itself to the Ad und uses th epolicies from the AD and those could prevent that.


I find openssl much more easier if you cannot do it on the FGT itself :)


"It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes." - Douglas Adams

-- "It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes." - Douglas Adams
Esteemed Contributor III



OP I built you a template if your doing a lot of CSR and have linux/windows/macosx and openssl. It would only requite you to gernerate the key  and call up the config file. This will generate a SAN style CSR where the altname would be your website name(s) etc....




openssl req -new -out my.csr -config csr_template   


=====================CSR TEMPLATE FOR HR ===================

# # insert your O OU STATE CITY blah blah blah  and adjust keysize as required

[ req ] prompt = no default_bits = 2048 distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name req_extensions = req_ext

[ req_distinguished_name ] C=HR ST=Croatia Zagreb L=Zagreb HR O=yourdomain OU=yourdomain dept CN=for_forum_memeber_as_an_example

[ req_ext ] subjectAltName = @alt_names

[alt_names] DNS.1 = DNS.2 = DNS.3 =




You can do the same thing within windows but I'm a openssl guy. ;)



Once you get the csr sign and cert back, you bundle the cetr+priv-key and import into the fortigate as a pkcs file




   openssl pkcs12 -export -out mycertbundle.pfx -inkey myprivkey.key -in signed_cert_from_ca.crt 


So if the CSR generation on the fortigate gives you issue use openssl and build out your CSR.


YMMV depending on how comfortable you are with  openssl and your understanding of x509 PKI



edit add -keyout <priv-key-filename> when doing the csr template if you don't want to copy the begin-private key to end private key details to a file




/* this stuff


-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY----- MIIFDjBABgkqhkiG9w0BBQ0wMzAbBgkqhkiG9w0BBQwwDgQIQwCPEofDWS4CAggA MBQGCCqGSIb3DQMHBAjjyRokiMcUIgSCBMg2+ZNlIZvEsPaARt2W9ICPgsxhw0be E9Wqd5vsNONETibDVqX2Aeciwh1sgmlX6Yz5TdAFJf+Fbj42JDTRkQVv/wunZeFw akd0Cl3l7cU1mEb1ZbOlor/a9IkZBImWmYSEYrITlt6Xc3FsLkUQU9sPzYWnB844 E6E= -----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----



good luck


Ken Felix





PCNSE NSE StrongSwan
Esteemed Contributor III

Please drop your csr here so we can see what you did? Just give the subject line . 


The signing issue is that of the signer  & is not the fortigate imho.


1> here's what fortiOS 6.4.0 produced and strictly with the 2 letter code of HR


supports-MacBook-Pro:Downloads ken$ openssl req -in forum.csr -noout -text 

Certificate Request:


        Version: 0 (0x0)

        Subject: C=HR, ST=someregion, L=somecity, O=socpuppets, OU=socpuppets forum emnoc,

        Subject Public Key Info:



2> Here's what 6.2.4 produced 


supports-MacBook-Pro:Downloads ken$ openssl req -in "forum (1).csr" -noout -text

Certificate Request:


        Version: 0 (0x0)

        Subject: C=HR, ST=some province, L=somecity, O=socpuppets, OU=socpuppets test of HR,

        Subject Public Key Info:

            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption

                Public-Key: (2048 bit)


In both cases, the two-letter ISO code of HR was used. This fit their webpage list of codes.


Did you ask support form rapid-ssl? and for assistance?


BTW you have a beautiful country I been to Osijek and just loved the area and the people.


Ken Felix




PCNSE NSE StrongSwan

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