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IPsec negotiation problem

Hello I think I have configured everything for l2tp but I have problem in negotiation IPsec. here is my log: Message meets Alert condition date=2012-07-11 time=20:10:20 devname=FG200B391160 device_id=FG200B391160 log_id=0101037130 type=event subtype=ipsec pri=error vd=" root" msg=" progress IPsec phase 2" action=" negotiate" rem_ip=//my ip ---- loc_ip=//ip --- rem_port=28224 loc_port=4500 out_intf=" port9" cookies=" 7b83a9bcb71ac424/55d7ba5bd7378e7d" user=" N/A" group=" N/A" xauth_user=" N/A" xauth_group=" N/A" vpn_tunnel=" REMOTE_P1_0" status=failure init=remote mode=quick dir=inbound stage=1 role=responder result=ERROR I have configured everything, from users to plicies, but I can not connect... below is my configuration, does anybbody has any idea what is my problem??
New Contributor

anyone? please

Hi, you' ve done everything but don' t post everything you' ve done...hard to tell from guessing what' s missing. You will probably know that you will have to have 2 policies to make this work: a) an ENCRYPT VPN policy b) an ACCEPT policy for allowing traffic from the clients to your network The details are all very well laid out in the FortiOS Handbook, pg. 1567 ff. for v4.00 MR3. If you follow this step by step you should have a working tunnel soon. If not...the please post the policies as well, the user group, the address group for the clients etc.
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Esteemed Contributor III

Where' s your fwpolicies? Since nothing is show in the user and and xauth fields, It looks like the user is not been authenticated if I had to guess. But the vpn configs looks right here' s example of my policy edit 6 set srcintf " port15" set dstintf " EXT_NET01" set srcaddr " MGT_NET01" set dstaddr " all" set action ipsec set schedule " always" set service " ANY" set comments " L2TP_VPN for main admiistrators to management network" set inbound enable set outbound enable set vpntunnel " l2tp_dialupRA01" next Make sure to apply fwpoilicies to all interfaces and traffic types that your allowing.




PCNSE NSE StrongSwan

edit 6 set srcintf " port15" set dstintf " EXT_NET01" set srcaddr " MGT_NET01" set dstaddr " all" set action ipsec set schedule " always" set service " ANY" set comments " L2TP_VPN for main admiistrators to management network" set inbound enable set outbound enable set vpntunnel " l2tp_dialupRA01" next
yes... I have done that to... you see... :(
Esteemed Contributor III

oh b4 I forget you need a policy for the tunnel src back in also; edit 8 set srcintf " EXT_NET01" set dstintf " port15" set srcaddr " l2tp_RA01" set dstaddr " MGT_NET01" set action accept set schedule " always" set service " ANY" next Look at this way, you allow external traffic into with action ipsec and then you allow the tunnel-srcs into the lan fwpoilices that you allow.




PCNSE NSE StrongSwan

oh b4 I forget you need a policy for the tunnel src back in also; edit 8 set srcintf " EXT_NET01" set dstintf " port15" set srcaddr " l2tp_RA01" set dstaddr " MGT_NET01" set action accept set schedule " always" set service " ANY" next Look at this way, you allow external traffic into with action ipsec and then you allow the tunnel-srcs into the lan fwpoilices that you allow.
emnoc would you please leave me a policy of IPsec? in the manual it says that from inside network to outside network it' s going to be IPsec and from l2tp clients it always accept. when the second policy makes sence but I catually don' t understand how to let the outside traffic in the network and tell the remote client to use the ipsec parameters I defined. I have an accept policy to the port I connect for ipsec with this valid IP, it is accepted but either it doesn' t pass the ipsec parameters or I have some problem on my remote client.
New Contributor

Hi, Thanks alot everyone for answering. it seems I have done all the things, I did everything from manual step by step and I really don' t know what' s going on maybe it' s something I should do in my remote windows, should I do anything beside choosing ipsec and entering password? I have my user groups and defined members, everything seems to be ok.... and here is the policies, do u have any idea what' s going on??
Esteemed Contributor III

So have you double checked the l2tp vpn client setup? If you have macosx used that with verbose mode logging and look at any errors logged info in the var directory.




PCNSE NSE StrongSwan

So have you double checked the l2tp vpn client setup? If you have macosx used that with verbose mode logging and look at any errors logged info in the var directory.
I use windows, I should make a new vpn connection, right?? It is what the manual says, from manual:
In Network Connections, configure a Virtual Private Network connection to the FortiGate unit. • Ensure that the IPSEC service is running. • Ensure that IPsec has not been disabled for the VPN client. It may have been disabled to make the Microsoft VPN compatible with an earlier version of FortiOS.
Done the whole above, set the password and still not working... and here is my config on the host: By the way, my phase 2 encapsulation is in transport mode, is that correct?
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