Hello I think I have configured everything for l2tp but I have problem
in negotiation IPsec. here is my log: Message meets Alert condition
date=2012-07-11 time=20:10:20 devname=FG200B391160
device_id=FG200B391160 log_id=0101037130 type=event subtype=...
That' s interesting! when I paste the encrypted preshared key, I get to
phase 1, but I have the " probable preshared key mismatch" error, with
plain text password I am disconnected and don' t see the window trying
to stabliesh the ppop link... I thin...
HI! It' s weird! Last few days I could make connection and I had problem
in my ipsec negotioation, now it does not even get to l2pt! what
the....... here is my whole config, tell me if I have missed anything!
config vpn l2tp set eip set si...
I' m looking at this tread and it makes me wonder, why use l2tp? Use
standard IPsec with the free FortiClient. Why use tunnel mode, use
interface mode. It' s more logical, more flexible, etc, etc. For
debugging use: dia debug enable dia deb applicati...
I just checked again and enabled xath I have the following error now:
Message meets Alert condition date=2012-07-14 time=22:37:07
devname=Se... device_id=FG200B391... log_id=0101037125 type=event
subtype=ipsec pri=error vd=" root" msg=" IPsec phase 2...
So have you double checked the l2tp vpn client setup? If you have macosx
used that with verbose mode logging and look at any errors logged info
in the var directory. I use windows, I should make a new vpn connection,
right?? It is what the manual say...