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New Contributor III

Geo Blocking

Is it possible to geo block in fortimail?? I looked but couldn't really find anything.


Any help would appreciated.






Geo blocking is not yet supported but it is roadmapped for a future release.  Drop an email to your account team to make sure you get added to the feature supporters.

Dr. Carl Windsor Field Chief Technology Officer Fortinet

New Contributor

I have ours behind a fortigate and use that to geo block.  Not a resolution for Fortimail but hopefully helpful as an idea until available.


geoblocking as in TLD?  Or geoblocking as in source country code for IP ranges?


We geo block on the fortigate which block all known ip ranges for a source country.

But what if you also want to block emails from a country TLD that routes from another country?


Like you I am just blocking IP's by country code, though it does drop thousands of connections a day so definitely worth having.  I am looking forward to a full feature in Fortimail to properly handle this.


Good news is that Geo Blocking will be supported natively in FortiMail 6.2 which is due for release in the next 2 weeks.


I will post the full features list to the forum in the next few days.

Dr. Carl Windsor Field Chief Technology Officer Fortinet


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