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Fortigate 110C firmware upgrade

Hi all - have inherited the 110C which seems to runs fine although I do lose some configs if rebooted so my question is regarding the firmware upgrade, currently running v4.0, build 0291, 100824 (MR2 Patch 2) and after having read the upgrade path to the latest build:


4.0 MR2 patch2 Build # 291 ► 4.2.13 ► 4.3.6 ► 4.3.11 ► 4.3.18 ► 5.0.7 ► 5.0.10


this seems to be a bit dramatic so looking for any tips as I can see this may take a while i.e. 6 step process. Will of course have a copy of the latest config file with a few screenies so any other issues I should be aware of?


Would welcome any responses :)

Esteemed Contributor III

Follow the guide line if yo don't want major problems, but what you wrote is normal and correct. You can just jump from one major/minor version to  5.x.x


I managed numerous  FGT110Cs also , but stayed with 4.3.18 ( b689 ) due to; 1> they are running great  2> I saw nothing in  5.x.0  that was a big improvement 3> I believe this series and the CP6  will probably not see anything gained by 5.2 fortiOS 4> that my memory/cpu usage today,  is just fine and dandy 5> Plus we let the support die on these in hope of the client getting  more FGT100Ds . ( the FGT100D is way much more of a firewall  and was a cheaper investment for a  security refresh )


btw, 1st time I took my standby unit and upgraded to 5.2 I had problems with a corrupted flash partitions.


If it's not  broke,  don't fix it!




PCNSE NSE StrongSwan
New Contributor

thanks for the tips...btw leaning towards your last comment, if it ain't broke, don't fix it and then get them (management that is) to order in a new FGT100D and do a swap-out and use  the 110C as a spare.


Interestingly why do these units, well, ours anyway, lose some of the confs on a this a common problem?


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