Hi all - just deployed a new 100D with FW v5.0,build0310 (GA Patch 11)
so just have a couple of questions regarding the AV default filter (have
full UTM turned on) - Set up a new policy Wan > Lan and allowed smtp
port 25, assigned the AV default filt...
Just purchased a new 100D (build date of Nov 2014) and it came with FW
V5.0 Build 0292, 140731 (GA Patch 9) so upgraded it to the latest V5
Build 5.0.11 00310 - so my question is, do I move up to 5.2.2 00642 or
leave it at 5.0.11? The unit is about t...
Hi all - have inherited the 110C which seems to runs fine although I do
lose some configs if rebooted so my question is regarding the firmware
upgrade, currently running v4.0, build 0291, 100824 (MR2 Patch 2) and
after having read the upgrade path to...
thanks for the tips...btw leaning towards your last comment, if it ain't
broke, don't fix it and then get them (management that is) to order in a
new FGT100D and do a swap-out and use the 110C as a spare. Interestingly
why do these units, well, ours ...
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