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Forti SSL VPN Freezes machines

Hi All, Just bought a FG200A unit. Activated the SSL VPN, and it worked fine for a couple of hours, until they connect again, then the problem arises: All of my remote workers are having the same problem with the SSL VPN, the pc completly freezes when they are connected. Only one solution is there, reset the computer with hard-reset... Anyone have simular issues, and got a solution? Thanks in advance. Regards, Marcel.
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I got FGT_200A-v300-build0403 from Fortinet support, a new image for the unit. I' m testing this version at the moment and so far no problems after 4 days testing, first cleaned out the client side by removing the class and the service and all files, added the ssl login webpage/ip to the trusted sites in IE7, then changed settings in security of the trusted sites to enable activex controls and enable prompt for activex. Then reconnected to the webpage... Will add more info later after some more testing. Thanks,
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I' m assuming this is the new code?
New Contributor II

Please ask support or your reseller for build 403. The freeze-up issues should have been fixed in this build.
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* The freezes of machines are solved. * I did intens testing with positive results, no more problems. (Outlook, Fileshares, RDP all works properly without problems) * So everyone be patient, the issue will be adressed in the upcoming releases. * I am very satisfied with FortiNet and cannot state otherwise that they have fixed the issue very in a very professional way.
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I' m not perfectly sure that the problem has been fixed - in the " Knows Issues" you can read that there' s still a major problem left unfixed that could be the cause for the frequent pc lockups on workstations:
Description: An SSL-VPN tunnel may halt traffic on a PC that employs hyper-threading or has Dual Core processors. Models Affected: All Bug ID: 50041 Status: To be fixed in a future release
This also explains why it often works without any problems on notebooks (they have rarely hyperthreading or dual core). I hope this is fixed in MR5! Regards, Roland
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Notebook, Intel T2600 DualCore CPU. [ But i use the FortiClient now, install only the IPSEC VPN and your set, works perfect]
New Contributor

Same problem here...anyone have a date on the next release with the supposed bug fix?

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