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IP alias on an interface

i checked that more than one IP can be added to the interface through the " secondary IP" interface, but can all of the IPs are in the same subnet ? e.g. Primary IP: Secondary IP: Secondary IP:
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yes, eg in v2.8 config system global set allow-interface-subnet-overlap enable end
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thanks a lot the internal interface has IP IP alias is i typed that command and finally it works however i can' t ping .10.211 from machines directly connected to the internal interface i' m not sure if it' s related to firewall rules or routing stuff. Could anyone plz help ? Irene
Valued Contributor III

Try to open a telnet or web session to that IP instead. It may be that the Fortigate answers calls to that IP, but isn' t really that IP, so a ping would fail.

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:
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I' m just curious what you would do with 2 ip addresses on the same interface in the same network?
New Contributor

You would need this if you are proxying inbound to your network with the fortigate at the gateway. If you have 3 servers that require https access inside your network you would not be able to proxy on one port. SO you could then secondary ip addresses to make this happen.
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Hi.. Can i get info regarding how to configure secondary ip on an interface. we are using fortigate 500 with ver 2.80. Please give the command.. Preferably with an example. Regards, Sriharsha
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(on 2.8 MR11) config system interface edit " wan1" config secondaryip edit 1 //the " 1" here is the table index for your new entry. set ip set gw .... end end end ... Type a " ?" anywhere and you will get a list oft commands / list of " next" parameters when used within statements.

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