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Firmware update error: File is not an update file

Hello all, I am trying to update the firmware of my old Fortigate 200A to the latest version. Currently running Fortigate-200A 2.80,build359,050210. Tried updating multiple times via the GUI with these firmware image files (confirmed checksums)... FGT_200-v280-build184-FORTINET.out FGT_200-v280-build219-FORTINET.out FGT_200-v280-build250-FORTINET.out Each time I try after 30 seconds or so I get this error: Error File is not an update file. Any suggestions? The aim is to eventually get up to the latest v4.0MR3. Thanks, Derek

Thanks, Bob. Is there anyway to downgrade using the GUI without access to the System > Status page? Also, if I do need to go the CLI route, is the TFTP server just a machine on my LAN running some TFTP software and if so is there any free TFTP software? Pardon my ignorance on this. Thanks.
Valued Contributor III

I must have an old, uncorrected version (Rev 1.0), mine says MR5....
ORIGINAL: Derek Tom Thanks but from the " FortiOS-v3.00-MR6-Release-Notes.pdf" on page 10:
3.2 Upgrading from FortiOSv2.80 Upgrade to FortiOS v2.80 MR11 prior to upgrading to FortiOS v3.00 MR6.

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Keep cool...that' s not the reason for not seeing the System page. a) you' ve done everything right - RN say you can upgrade from 2.80 to 3.00MR6 and you did b) these precautions only prevent that the config is lost between updates. If you take a FGT and put any firmware on it it must come up with all features of that version - no matter what the previous one was. I suspect that you have old copies of Java scripts in your browser cache. Clear the cache and/or use a different browser to check that. Basically you' re free to upgrade to any version if the config doesn' t matter.
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!

You could even upgrade to the latest 3.00 release, 3.00MR7 patch10 (b754) from 2.80MR11. So, MR5 or MR6 is not the issue here. As long as the display mismatch is not resolved no reloading any firmware will help you.
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!

Thanks for the insightful info. Unfortunately for me, I did clear my browser' s cache several times and have tried Firefox 4 on Mac, Safari on Mac, and IE8 on a PC and all of them do not show the Status page upon login. I will need to sleep now as it' s past midnight here in Hong Kong. Will check back here tomorrow morning. Thanks again, guys.
Valued Contributor III

Back in some of the older firmwares (pre v3, MR5 or so), there was sometimes instances where the memory wouldn' t clear before an upgrade if the devices had been on for an extended length of time. This happened to me once. I had started rebooting directly before any upgrades due to this. That issue has been resolved in later versions of code. Once my unit got corrupted though, all I could do was a rebuild. Try reloading the same version again over itself if you can.

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Thanks for the good info, Bob. In my case, I had just successfully updated to v2.80 MR12 from v2.80 build 359 (not sure what MR# that refers to). I can' t get to the System > Status page where there is the link to do the firmware update so is there a trick to getting to that update page so I can reload the same firmware again as you suggest? Just now I tried to go to but got this permissions error: No Access You do not have permission to access the requested page. I was referring to the update link on my newer firewall running v4.0 MR1. Is the URL path to the upgrade page different for v2.80 MR12? If I want to try just formatting the flash and installing via TFTP and serial cable, is there some simple step-by-step instructions I can refer to? Thanks, Derek
Valued Contributor III

I have no clue what the URL would be for that version of code. I started in the Forti-world around v3, MR3. I see in the first image you posted, you still have the " System > Maintenance" tab. Under there, try the Firmware upgrade area at the bottom of the page. You don' t need the dashboard for that. I just hope it' s there like it is in the newer firmwares.... If you Google " Fortigate serial image load" you should find some useful info (Last 3 on the page). It' s not that hard, just make sure you have good TFTP software on the same subnet as the internal port of the FGT. Also make sure you have a valid firmware image(s) as well. If your config is simple, try (from the CLI) " # exec factoryreset" . This may bring the code back to factory fresh (if not too screwy) and you may be able to restore from there.

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:

I lost my system dashboard and I used this command before.maybe you can try this config system admin edit admin config dashboard-tabs edit 1 set name " Status" end exit

Fortigate Newbie

Fortigate Newbie

Thanks again, Bob. Unfortunately, in System > Maintenance there is only the option to restore a system configuration, not the firmware so I need to go with the console cable/CLI/TFTP server restore. I found some good instructions here: Fortinet Fortigate Firewall Firmware Failure Fiasco I' ll probably use the SolarWinds TFTP server ( To be clear, I need 1 machine connected to one of the internal ports running TFTP server with the firmware image on it (manually set IP) and I need another machine connected directly to the FGT via console cable, correct? 2 computers minimum for this? Or can I run the TFTP server software on the computer that is connected via console cable? Oh, also, I can just download the latest and greatest v4.0 firmware to load, right? I will reconfigure the firewall from scratch afterwards. Thanks, Derek
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