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[Firmware 7.0.0] - Stitch not running

Good morning,

  this is my first post on the forum so, hi all :)


I'm trying to setup a "stitch" to push the configuration to an tftp server whenever the configuration changes. The firmware my firewall is running is 7.0.0. The tftp is working fine: if i force a push via cli with the following command:

execute backup config tftp /backup/fortigate.cfg
the file gets created/updated.


The "action" (security frabric -> automation) is defined as below:

    edit "PushTFTP"
        set description "Push config to TFTP"
        set action-type cli-script
        set minimum-interval 60
        set delay 10
        set script "execute backup config tftp /backup/fortigate.cfg"
        set accprofile "super_admin_readonly"


As trigger, I'm using the default "Changelog"


The stich is defined as following:

edit "Cfg2TFTP"
        set description "Send config to TFTP when changed"
        set trigger "Changelog"
        set action "PushTFTP"


If i test it with the "Test automation stitch" option (mouse right click on the stitch) I get a green flag saying the stitch has been triggered successfully and the trigger count increases but no file get uploaded/updated on the tftp server.

Can someone help me understand what I'm doing wrong and how to fix it?

Thank you

New Contributor

Today I opened a ticket to the support: a bug has been confirmed when the

execute backup config tftp /backup/fortigate.cfg

is not run from a shell (AKA with a stitch or a scheduled script): the filename sent to the tftp server is modified prepending the device searial number. An example:

if your script is

execute backup config tftp /backup/fortigate.cfg

the server receive a request for


which result in the config not being uploaded.



Is your environment HA? My single FGT test is good.




New Contributor



  yes, I'm running two fortigate firewall in HA (active/passive). Fortigate support confirmed a bug related to the

execute backup config tftp 

when executed from stitch/scheduled script.

Stitches are working fine in fact if you replace the script execution  with a mail notification, the notification is sent.



Have a nice day

New Contributor

Funny as I am experiencing the same but as a single FGT running 7.02. If I replace it with email it runs. stick in the the script to back up I get nothing.


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