Please try the latest 7.2.9GA and 7.4.4GA which should include this fix,
bug id #950445, 7.0.16GA will include this bug in the next release,
currently, 7.0.15GA still has the problem.
You know this is called HA Reserved Management Interface(mgmt1), so you
can't use it as a routing forwarding interface, like a normal business
interface, which is contradictory. Configure an IP address in the same
network segment on the business inte...
Please refer to this comment: >>>How to manage and control the access of
VLAN 30 traffic through FGT can be operated on FGT as follows:We can
configure an independent interface on FGT, such as Port10 (For ACCESS
mgmt device). This interface Port10(Th...
OK, I got your point. You have configured "Technical Tip: HA Reserved
Management Interface" and you want to ping the SW of the same management
network segment through FGT mgmt HA reserved interface, right? You need
to follow the following steps, beca...
>>>Which is the common scenario for management VLAN? I think your VLAN30
is the standard management VLAN scenario, and the mgmt interfaces of all
devices are connected to VLAN30.For information about managing FGT mgmt
access, please refer to this kb:...