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FWF60C How to boot from flash ?

Hello all,

I have a FWF60C, because there were some error messages about disks from the console.

I erased the disk using 「 # execute erase-disk 」 command.

After that, I can't boot my FWF60, the console view as follow:


FortiWifi-60C (16:25-09.28.2011)
Serial number: FWF60CXXXXXXXXXX
CPU(00): 525MHz
Total RAM: 512MB
Initializing boot device...
Initializing MAC... nplite#0
Press any key to display configuration menu...

: Get firmware image from TFTP server.
: Format boot device.
: Configuration and information.
: Boot with backup firmware and set as default.
: Quit menu and continue to boot.
: Display this list of options.

Enter G,F,I,B,Q,or H:
It will erase data in boot device. Continue? [yes/no]:yes current device selected
no current device selected
no current device selected
no current device selected
no current device selected
no current device selected
no current device selected
no current device selected
no current device selected

: Get firmware image from TFTP server.
: Format boot device.
: Configuration and information.
: Boot with backup firmware and set as default.
: Quit menu and continue to boot.
: Display this list of options.

Enter G,F,I,B,Q,or H:

Please connect TFTP server to Ethernet port 'Any of port 1,2,3,4,5'.

Enter TFTP server address []:
Enter local address []:
Enter firmware image file name [image.out]:
MAC: 00:09:0f:1b:88:4a

Connect to tftp server ...

Image Received.
Checking image... OK
Save as Default firmware/Backup firmware/Run image without saving:[D/B/R]?D

Programming the boot device now.
USB boot device not found.
dev readblk br fail
The system must reformat the boot device to install this firmware.
The default and backup firmware will be lost.
USB boot device not found
write MRecord failed.
Partition upgrade fail: -1
Programming device failed.
Try to boot from device anyway

USB boot device not found.
Can not read USB boot device MBR.
Boot failed. Please check boot device or OS image ...
 Please power cycle. System halted.


Even I tried not set to default firmware, and using "R", as follow:


Initializing MAC... nplite#0
Press any key to display configuration menu...

: Get firmware image from TFTP server.
: Format boot device.
: Configuration and information.
: Boot with backup firmware and set as default.
: Quit menu and continue to boot.
: Display this list of options.

Enter G,F,I,B,Q,or H:
It will erase data in boot device. Continue? [yes/no]:yes current device selected
no current device selected
no current device selected
no current device selected
no current device selected
no current device selected
no current device selected
no current device selected
no current device selected

: Get firmware image from TFTP server.
: Format boot device.
: Configuration and information.
: Boot with backup firmware and set as default.
: Quit menu and continue to boot.
: Display this list of options.

Enter G,F,I,B,Q,or H:

Please connect TFTP server to Ethernet port 'Any of port 1,2,3,4,5'.

Enter TFTP server address []:
Enter local address []:
Enter firmware image file name [image.out]:
MAC: 00:09:0f:1b:88:4a

Connect to tftp server ...

Image Received.
Checking image... OK
Save as Default firmware/Backup firmware/Run image without saving:[D/B/R]?R
USB boot device not found.
 Please power cycle. System halted.


It asked me to boot from USB, and I inserted a usb, it seems booting successfully.


FortiWifi-60C (16:25-09.28.2011)
Serial number: FWF60CXXXXXXXXXX
CPU(00): 525MHz
Total RAM: 512MB
Initializing boot device...
Initializing MAC... nplite#0
Press any key to display configuration menu...

: Get firmware image from TFTP server.
: Format boot device.
: Configuration and information.
: Boot with backup firmware and set as default.
: Quit menu and continue to boot.
: Display this list of options.

Enter G,F,I,B,Q,or H:
It will erase data in boot device. Continue? [yes/no]:yes
Formatting................ Done.

: Get firmware image from TFTP server.
: Format boot device.
: Configuration and information.
: Boot with backup firmware and set as default.
: Quit menu and continue to boot.
: Display this list of options.

Enter G,F,I,B,Q,or H:

Please connect TFTP server to Ethernet port 'Any of port 1,2,3,4,5'.

Enter TFTP server address []:
Enter local address []:
Enter firmware image file name [image.out]:
MAC: 00:09:0f:1b:88:4a

Connect to tftp server ...

Image Received.
Checking image... OK
Save as Default firmware/Backup firmware/Run image without saving:[D/B/R]?D

Programming the boot device now.
MRecord empty.
Reading boot image... 1713113 bytes.
Initializing firewall...

System is starting...
usb.c: unable to get device descriptor (error=-110)
Starting system maintenance...
Scanning /dev/sda1... (100%)
Formatting shared data partition ... done!
usb.c: unable to get device descriptor (error=-110)
usb.c: unable to get device descriptor (error=-110)

FWF60CXXXXXXXXXX login: usb.c: unable to get device descriptor (error=-110)

FWF60CXXXXXXXXXX login: admin
Welcome !


BUT....this is not what I wanted.

Does anyone know how to change the boot device ?



It is a bit strange that you get the Message "no current device selected". When you format or Flash the target is normaly always the internal Flash from the device. It seems that it doesn't exists anymore. Never seen this before. Am I right that you currently only boot from an USB-Stick and this works? Does the Device start normaly und comes up? I only know the auto Flash from USB but not to start a device with the full Firmware on An USB-Stick.


yes, now I can only boot from USB and it works.

And the FWF60C format my USB into 3 partitions (just like the flash in FWF60C) as its boot device.


I insert another USB and do the steps of update firmware, after it boot,

and see the partitions using this command "diag hardware deviceinfo disk"



FortiWifi-60C (16:25-09.28.2011)
Serial number: FWF60CXXXXXXXXXX
CPU(00): 525MHz
Total RAM: 512MB
Initializing boot device...
Initializing MAC... nplite#0
Press any key to display configuration menu...

: Get firmware image from TFTP server.
: Format boot device.
: Configuration and information.
: Boot with backup firmware and set as default.
: Quit menu and continue to boot.
: Display this list of options.

Enter G,F,I,B,Q,or H:
It will erase data in boot device. Continue? [yes/no]:yes
Formatting................... Done.

: Get firmware image from TFTP server.
: Format boot device.
: Configuration and information.
: Boot with backup firmware and set as default.
: Quit menu and continue to boot.
: Display this list of options.

Enter G,F,I,B,Q,or H:

Please connect TFTP server to Ethernet port 'Any of port 1,2,3,4,5'.

Enter TFTP server address []:
Enter local address []:
Enter firmware image file name [image.out]:
MAC: 00:09:0f:1b:88:4a

Connect to tftp server ...

Image Received.
Checking image... OK
Save as Default firmware/Backup firmware/Run image without saving:[D/B/R]?D

Programming the boot device now.
MRecord empty.
Reading boot image... 1726625 bytes.
Initializing firewall...

System is starting...
usb.c: unable to get device descriptor (error=-110)
Starting system maintenance...
Scanning /dev/sda1... (100%)
Formatting shared data partition ... done!
usb.c: unable to get device descriptor (error=-110)
usb.c: unable to get device descriptor (error=-110)
usb.c: unable to get device descriptor (error=-110)

FWF60CXXXXXXXXXX login: usb.c: unable to get device descriptor (error=-110)
usb.c: unable to get device descriptor (error=-110)


FWF60CXXXXXXXXXX login: admin
Welcome !

FWF60CXXXXXXXXXX # config system interface

FWF60CXXXXXXXXXX (interface) # show
config system interface
edit "dmz"
set vdom "root"
set ip
set allowaccess ping https http fgfm capwap
set type physical
set snmp-index 1
edit "wan2"
set vdom "root"
set mode dhcp
set allowaccess ping fgfm auto-ipsec
set type physical
set snmp-index 2
edit "wan1"
set vdom "root"
set mode dhcp
set allowaccess ping fgfm auto-ipsec
set type physical
set snmp-index 3
edit "modem"
set vdom "root"
set mode pppoe
set type physical
set snmp-index 4
edit "ssl.root"
set vdom "root"
set type tunnel
set alias "SSL VPN interface"
set snmp-index 7
edit "internal"
set vdom "root"
set type physical
set snmp-index 8
edit "wifi"
set vdom "root"
set type vap-switch
set snmp-index 9
edit "lan"
set vdom "root"
set ip
set allowaccess ping https ssh http fgfm capwap
set type switch
set snmp-index 10

FWF60CXXXXXXXXXX (interface) # end

FWF60CXXXXXXXXXX # usb.c: unable to get device descriptor (error=-110)

FWF60CXXXXXXXXXX # conf router static

FWF60CXXXXXXXXXX (static) # show

FWF60CXXXXXXXXXX (static) # end

FWF60CXXXXXXXXXX # diagnose hardusb.c: unable to get device descriptor (error=-110)
ware deviceinfo disk

Disk Internal(boot) ref: 14.6GB type: USB [JetFlash Transcend 16GB] dev: /dev/sda
partition ref: 37.0MB, 7.0MB free mounted: Y label: dev: /dev/sda1(boot) start: 256
partition ref: 39.0MB, 39.0MB free mounted: N label: dev: /dev/sda2(boot) start: 80384
partition ref: 3 37.0MB, 29.0MB free mounted: Y label: dev: /dev/sda3 start: 160512

Total available disks: 1
Max SSD disks: 0 Available storage disks: 0

FWF60CXXXXXXXXXX # usb.c: unable to get device descriptor (error=-110)

FWF60CXXXXXXXXXX # diagnose hardware deviceinfo disk

Disk Internal(boot) ref: 14.6GB type: USB [JetFlash Transcend 16GB] dev: /dev/sda
partition ref: 37.0MB, 7.0MB free mounted: Y label: dev: /dev/sda1(boot) start: 256
partition ref: 39.0MB, 39.0MB free mounted: N label: dev: /dev/sda2(boot) start: 80384
partition ref: 3 37.0MB, 29.0MB free mounted: Y label: dev: /dev/sda3 start: 160512

Total available disks: 1
Max SSD disks: 0 Available storage disks: 0


Although it continuing show the message in console,

『usb.c: unable to get device descriptor (error=-110)』,

but it can wok.




This behavior is very interest. I google around a while and found only one workaround for a 80C. In this case the internal flash are dead and as a workaround they jumpered some undocumented things in the device to Boot from an external UBS-Stick. I don't know if this can also be done with a 60C. Do you you have jumpered anything in the device? If yes it were very interesst for me. If not you are a lucky Guy that you can boot from an external Stick.

Otherwise you would now have a non-functioning device. This is a nice Feature that is normaly not possible.


By the way. Since V5.2 Fortinet has disabled logging to Flash.

This is because the flash are stressed and fails from a certain time.

Do you have logging to Flash activated?


The cli comand "diag hardware deviceinfo disk"

is a normal command. It shows you the attached Disks like SSD/USB.

The internal Flash is also recognized as an USB-Device.

As I can see you have a 16Gb JetFlash Transcend Stick attached.


The command "diag system flash list" shows you the current flashed Firmware.

Under active you see with FW is aktive now.


Can you please put the result of:

get hardware status


You will see something like this (this is the result of working a 60D):

Fortigate-60D # get hardware status Model name: FortiGate-60D ASIC version: CP0 ASIC SRAM: 64M CPU: FortiSOC2 Number of CPUs: 1 RAM: 1839 MB Compact Flash: 12850 MB /dev/sda   <--- This is the internal Flash Hard disk: not available USB Flash: not available

I would like to know what is at CompactFlash on your device.


PS: Erase-Disk is not the recommend Command to format a Flash.

     This will only be used if you want that all data should be totally erased when you sell the device for example.

     In all other situations format is the right way.


Hello Chirs, thanks for your relpy.


This behavior is very interest. I google around a while and found only one workaround for a 80C. In this case the internal flash are dead and as a workaround they jumpered some undocumented things in the device to Boot from an external UBS-Stick. I don't know if this can also be done with a 60C. Do you you have jumpered anything in the device? If yes it were very interesst for me. If not you are a lucky Guy that you can boot from an external Stick. Otherwise you would now have a non-functioning device. This is a nice Feature that is normaly not possible.


I'm glad that you know what I wanted,

I've reading the 80c post you said on google some days ago,

I don't know if it works on 60C, because I tried jumpered but no any changes.

but maybe I could answer your question in another way,

I have another device, FGT200B, the way that jumpered in the device can be work with J15 jumper.

(insert the jumper in J15 then it will boot from USB, or boot from flash)

unfortunately that I have this 2 device that just have the similar problem (flash)

I've posted the 200B problem on forum, but still no reply,


In my experience, FGT wouldn't boot from USB by default,

but my 60C boot from USB without changing any jumper in device.

it is what I confused.


By the way. Since V5.2 Fortinet has disabled logging to Flash. This is because the flash are stressed and fails from a certain time. Do you have logging to Flash activated?


Sorry that I don't know if I have logging to flash,

I use the FortiOS 5.2.4 before, and doesn't change logging setting on it,

I think that should be default value.


The cli comand "diag hardware deviceinfo disk" is a normal command. It shows you the attached Disks like SSD/USB. The internal Flash is also recognized as an USB-Device. As I can see you have a 16Gb JetFlash Transcend Stick attached.   The command "diag system flash list" shows you the current flashed Firmware. Under active you see with FW is aktive now.   Can you please put the result of: get hardware status   You will see something like this (this is the result of working a 60D): Fortigate-60D # get hardware status Model name: FortiGate-60D ASIC version: CP0 ASIC SRAM: 64M CPU: FortiSOC2 Number of CPUs: 1 RAM: 1839 MB Compact Flash: 12850 MB /dev/sda Hard disk: not available USB Flash: not available I would like to know what is at CompactFlash on your device.


here is the result,

(boot from my USB)

FWF60CXXXXXXXXXX # diagnose sys flash list 
Partition Image TotalSize(KB) Used(KB) Use% Active
1 FWF60C-5.02-FW-build760-171025 38792 31044 80% Yes
3 ETDB-1.00000 38796 8688 22% No
Image build at Oct 25 2017 20:41:50 for b0760

FWF60CXXXXXXXXXX # get hardware status
Model name: FortiWiFi-60C
ASIC version: CP0
Number of CPUs: 1
RAM: 436 MB
Compact Flash: 14962 MB /dev/sda
Hard disk: not available
USB Flash: not available
WiFi Chipset: Atheros AR5416
WiFi firmware version:


and I use the command to show somthing related of "/dev/sda"

(p.s. fnsysctl command have no hints, and can not use "TAB")

FWF60CXXXXXXXXXX # fnsysctl cat /proc/partitions
major minor #blocks name

   8 0 15261696 sda
   8 1 40064 sda1
   8 2 40064 sda2
   8 3 40064 sda3

FWF60CXXXXXXXXXX # diagnose hardware deviceinfo disk

Disk Internal(boot) ref: 14.6GB type: USB [JetFlash Transcend 16GB] dev: /dev/sda
  partition ref: 37.0MB, 7.0MB free mounted: Y label: dev: /dev/sda1(boot) start: 256
  partition ref: 39.0MB, 39.0MB free mounted: N label: dev: /dev/sda2(boot) start: 80384
  partition ref: 3 37.0MB, 29.0MB free mounted: Y label: dev: /dev/sda3 start: 160512


does it mean that 60C recognized My JetFlash Transcend 16GB USB and set the USB as its CF?

And then partitioned the USB into 3 partitions?


if it is possible that

1.FortiGate can boot from USB and recongnized internal flash simultaneously

2.There's a way to low level format flash


The finally thing I want to do is that boot FortiGate from flash and run low level format on flash.

p.s.I've learned the KB, and saw the way to block bad blocks.

but the "K" doesn't work in my 60C or 200B.

In the debug mode,I've tried press from a to z, something interesting,

it asked me for password when some key being pressed, but I just don't know the password.

p.s.The bcpb+SN password doesn't work.




what I not understand is that "get hardware status" say that the compact Flash (internal Device flash)

ist mapped on /dev/sda with the correkt size but on th the device info it says that the Transcend-Stick is

mapped on /dev/sda. Both of them is normaly not prossible.


I don't know why the external USB is not recognized.

It seems that the detection of the internal Flashsize by the command "hardwarestatus" is calculated by

some other specs. It does not realy checked them physicaly otherwise you should get an error.


LiaoYuRuei wrote:

 does it mean that 60C recognized My JetFlash Transcend 16GB USB and set the USB as its CF? And then partitioned the USB into 3 partitions?


In a way, yes.

The stick replaces the internal flash an works as them.

The 3 partitions are normal an represents the primary/secondary firmware and some place for the databases like

the virusdefinitions (ETDB). In your case partition 1 is currently the active part.

You have no in partition 2 because this is only displayed when you make the first FW-Update.


LiaoYuRuei wrote:

if it is possible that 1.FortiGate can boot from USB and recongnized internal flash simultaneously 2.There's a way to low level format flash


1. When you put a USB-Stick on a functionally working device, the stick is recognized as an extended device.

   The stick only has the job to store/read the config or to Auto-Flash the device nothing else.

   Normaly you can not use an external Stick to boot like in your case. This is an not expected behavior.

   Ok you can force this with jumper but I don't know if this runs automatically.

   May be an undocumented Feature. ;)


2. As far as i know it only exists the erase command which overwrite the whole Flash with rubish.

    But this will not help you to reactivate the internal Flash because it doesn't recognizes by the 60C anymore.

    What do you want to format where you do not have access to it?

    When you do an erase or format this always will happend on the Stick not the internal flash

    because the device don't see them anymore.


You can try. It would suprise me if this works.

Another try is to diagnose the device with an HQIP-Image.


LiaoYuRuei wrote:

In the debug mode,I've tried press from a to z, something interesting, it asked me for password when some key being pressed, but I just don't know the password. p.s.The bcpb+SN password doesn't work.


Yes, there are some not documented Features not for public use.

This are only used when you ask from the TAC to get detailed infos.

It may be varry from Version to Version.


I think a HQIP Dignose give you more information.


Hello, Chris:

I've run HQIP on my FWF60C,

the hardware diagnostic seems that all passed !!


And before I run the HQIP, I tried to list the hardware information,

there was something defferent at the get hardware status.

Here is the console log:


Save as Default firmware/Backup firmware/Run image without saving:[D/B/R]?D

Programming the boot device now.
MRecord empty.
Reading boot image... 1923791 bytes.
Initializing firewall...

System is started.
Formating shared data partition ... done!
usb.c: unable to get device descriptor (error=-110)
usb.c: USB device not responding, giving up (error=-110)

Test program loading(HQIP, Build1010,Feb 22 2011 18:07:21) ...

You are running HQIP test program. To start testing, login as "admin" without password, and type:
diagnose hqip start


HQIP login: admin
Welcome !

HQIP # diagnose
antivirus antivirus
autoupdate automatic updates
central-mgmt central management
debug debug
endpoint endpoing compliance diagnostics
firewall Firewall
fortianalyzer-log fortianalyzer-log
forticare FortiCare Service
fortiguard-log FortiGuard Analysis Service
fortiguard-management FortiGuard Management Service
hardware hardware
hqip diagnose command for HQIP test image
imp2p IM & P2P
ip ip
ips ips
ipv6 ipv6
log log
netlink netlink
npl nplite
properties property values
remote-content-archive remote-content-archive
settings settings
sniffer sniffer command
snmp snmp
spamfilter spamfilter
sys system
test test
vpn vpn
wacs webcache DB daemon
wad wad diagnostics
wadbd WAN accelerator DB daemon
webfilter webfilter

HQIP # diagnose hardware
certificate verify certificates
deviceinfo get device information
ioport read/write data via IO port
ipmitool run ipmitool
lspci list PCI parameters
pciconfig get PCI information
setpci set PCI parameters
sysinfo get system information

HQIP # diagnose hardware sysinfo

HQIP # diagnose hardware sysinfo
cpu display detailed information for all installed CPU(s)
interrupts display system interrupts information
iomem display the memory map of I/O ports
ioports display the address list of I/O ports
memory display system memory information
mtrr display the memory type range register
slab display memory allocation information

HQIP # diagnose hardware deviceinfo
disk display information of all disks
nic display NIC information

HQIP # diagnose hardware deviceinfo disk

Device S0 14.6 GB ref: 0 JetFlash Transcend 16GB (Unknown) [FLASH]
partition 1 39.1 MB ref: n/a label:
partition 2 39.1 MB ref: n/a <non-EXT>
partition 3 39.1 MB ref: n/a label:

Total available disks: 1

HQIP # get hardware status

HQIP # get hardware status
Model name: FortiWiFi-60C
ASIC version: SoC
RAM: 439 MB
Compact Flash: 14962 MB /dev/sda
Hard disk: 14904 MB /dev/sda
USB Flash: not available
Wifi Chipset: Atheros AR5414
WiFi firmware version:

HQIP # Timeout

HQIP login: admin
Welcome !

HQIP # diagnose hqip start
HQIP mode is: base expcard memory hdd std_nic usb

Fortinet Hardware Quick Inspection


- Wire the network ports as following for NIC loopback test.
[PORT1 - PORT2] [PORT3 - PORT4] [PORT5 - WAN1] [WAN2/Express Card - DMZ]

Press any key to continue ...
Test Begin at UTC Time Sun Jan 4 16:59:10 1970

==> BIOS Integrity Check

Gathering system information......
Model Name: [FWF60C]
Unit BIOS Version: [04000025]
Unit Fortinet SN: [FWF60CXXXXXXXXXX]
Unit First MAC: [0009XXXXXXXX]

Checking BIOS checksum...Good

License is good!

<== BIOS Integrity Check - PASS

==> System Configuration Check

Processor : FA526id(wb) rev 1 (v4l)
CPU number : 1
CPU MIPS : 524
Total Memory : 449844 KB
Boot Device : sda
Size : 14904 MB

dmz macaddress: 00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX
internal1 macaddress: 00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX
internal2 macaddress: 00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX
internal3 macaddress: 00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX
internal4 macaddress: 00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX
internal5 macaddress: 00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX
wan1 macaddress: 00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX
wan2 macaddress: 00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX

Total 8 net port(s) found.


<== System Configuration Check - PASS

==> Memory Test

pagesize=4096, pagesizemask=FFFFF000
Detecting memory(439MB)... [Done, 223MB will be tested]

STRESS->MEM-> 1.Stuck Address...
STRESS->MEM-> 1.Stuck Address PASSED.
STRESS->MEM-> 2.Random value...
STRESS->MEM-> 2.Random value PASSED.
STRESS->MEM-> 3.XOR comparison...
STRESS->MEM-> 3.XOR comparison PASSED.
STRESS->MEM-> 4.SUB comparison...
STRESS->MEM-> 4.SUB comparison PASSED.
STRESS->MEM-> 5.MUL comparison...
STRESS->MEM-> 5.MUL comparison PASSED.
STRESS->MEM-> 6.DIV comparison...
STRESS->MEM-> 6.DIV comparison PASSED.
STRESS->MEM-> 7.OR comparison...
STRESS->MEM-> 7.OR comparison PASSED.
STRESS->MEM-> 8.AND comparison...
STRESS->MEM-> 8.AND comparison PASSED.
STRESS->MEM-> 9.Sequential Increment...
STRESS->MEM-> 9.Sequential Increment PASSED.
STRESS->MEM-> Round 0 completed in 166 seconds (0 errors).

Release memory done.

<== Memory Test - PASS

==> CPU Test

CPU check is done!

<== CPU Test - PASS

==> CPU/Memory Performance Test

48000000 bytes memory will be covered.
Function Rate (MB/s) RMS time Min time Max time
Copy: 154.0609 0.2084 0.2077 0.2095
Scale: 43.2383 0.7441 0.7401 0.7589
Add: 60.7604 0.7943 0.7900 0.8113
Triad: 35.3971 1.3652 1.3560 1.3735

<== CPU/Memory Performance Test - PASS

==> FortiASIC Test

Test FortiASIC SoC VPN.

ASIC SoC SSL testing...
SSL ARC4 tested

SSL DES tested

SSL 3DES tested

SSL HMAC-MD5 tested

SSL HMAC-SHA1 tested

SSL AES 128bit tested

SSL AES 192bit tested

SSL AES 256bit tested


<== FortiASIC Test - PASS

==> WiFi Wireless Card Test

wlan IEEE 802.11g ESSID:"fortinet"
Frequency:2.437GHz(6) Access Point: 00:0E:8E:XX:XX:XX Bit Rate:0kb/s
wlan_bgscan IEEE 802.11g ESSID:""
Channel:0 Access Point: 00:00:00:00:00:00 Bit Rate:6Mb/s

Total 2 WIFI devices found.

<== WiFi Wireless Card Test - PASS

==> USB Test

There is no attached USB devices found.

<== USB Test - N/A

==> Boot Device Test

Testing write and read to hard disk(/dev/sda): Size 14904MB
Timing buffered disk reads: 64 MB in 5.41 seconds = 11.83 MB/sec
Timing buffered disk reads: 64 MB in 5.34 seconds = 11.99 MB/sec
Timing buffered disk reads: 64 MB in 5.34 seconds = 11.99 MB/sec
Read/write test PASS. Write/Read Rate: 3.95MBPS/ 11.51MBPS

<== Boot Device Test - PASS

==> Hard Disk Test

<== Hard Disk Test - N/A

==> Network Interface Controller Test

Initializing dmz, MAC:00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX
Initializing internal1, MAC:00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX
Initializing internal2, MAC:00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX
Initializing internal3, MAC:00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX
Initializing internal4, MAC:00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX
Initializing internal5, MAC:00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX
Initializing wan1, MAC:00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX
Initializing wan2, MAC:00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX
Interface dmz pair: [me=>dmz 00:09:0F:1B:88:4D] [he=>wan2 00:09:0F:1B:88:4C]
Interface internal1 pair: [me=>internal1 00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX] [he=>internal2 00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX]
Interface internal2 pair: [me=>internal2 00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX] [he=>internal1 00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX]
Interface internal3 pair: [me=>internal3 00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX] [he=>internal4 00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX]
Interface internal4 pair: [me=>internal4 00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX] [he=>internal3 00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX]
Interface internal5 pair: [me=>internal5 00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX] [he=>wan1 00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX]
Interface wan1 pair: [me=>wan1 00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX] [he=>internal5 00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX]
Interface wan2 pair: [me=>wan2 00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX] [he=>dmz 00:09:0F:XX:XX:XX]
Total 8 pairs configurated.
NETBT device started.
Interface | packets | K bytes |dropped| oops |pks/sec| K bps
< 64> dmz.tx: 8336 533 0 0 833 559
< 64> dmz.rx: 8334 533 0 0 833 559 0
< 64>internal1.tx: 9264 592 0 0 842 565
< 64>internal1.rx: 9395 601 0 0 854 573 0
< 64>internal2.tx: 9264 592 0 0 842 565
< 64>internal2.rx: 9264 592 0 0 842 565 0
< 64>internal3.tx: 9264 592 0 0 842 565
< 64>internal3.rx: 9264 592 0 0 842 565 0
< 64>internal4.tx: 9264 592 0 0 842 565
< 64>internal4.rx: 9259 592 0 0 841 565 0
< 64>internal5.tx: 9264 592 0 0 842 565
< 64>internal5.rx: 9372 599 0 0 852 572 0
< 64> wan1.tx: 10283 658 0 0 856 575
< 64> wan1.rx: 10174 651 0 0 847 569 0
< 64> wan2.tx: 10175 651 0 0 847 569
< 64> wan2.rx: 10176 651 0 0 848 569 0

Interface | packets | K bytes |dropped| oops |pks/sec| K bps
< 128> dmz.tx: 10817 1384 0 0 901 1066
< 128> dmz.rx: 10817 1384 0 0 901 1066 0
< 128>internal1.tx: 10784 1380 0 0 898 1063
< 128>internal1.rx: 10784 1380 0 0 898 1063 0
< 128>internal2.tx: 10784 1380 0 0 898 1063
< 128>internal2.rx: 10784 1380 0 0 898 1063 0
< 128>internal3.tx: 10784 1380 0 0 898 1063
< 128>internal3.rx: 10783 1380 0 0 898 1063 0
< 128>internal4.tx: 10784 1380 0 0 898 1063
< 128>internal4.rx: 10781 1379 0 0 898 1063 0
< 128>internal5.tx: 10784 1380 0 0 898 1063
< 128>internal5.rx: 10784 1380 0 0 898 1063 0
< 128> wan1.tx: 10747 1375 0 0 895 1059
< 128> wan1.rx: 10747 1375 0 0 895 1059 0
< 128> wan2.tx: 10747 1375 0 0 895 1059
< 128> wan2.rx: 10747 1375 0 0 895 1059 0

Interface | packets | K bytes |dropped| oops |pks/sec| K bps
< 256> dmz.tx: 10429 2669 0 0 869 1918
< 256> dmz.rx: 10429 2669 0 0 869 1918 0
< 256>internal1.tx: 10401 2662 0 0 866 1912
< 256>internal1.rx: 10399 2662 0 0 866 1912 0
< 256>internal2.tx: 10401 2662 0 0 866 1912
< 256>internal2.rx: 10401 2662 0 0 866 1912 0
< 256>internal3.tx: 10401 2662 0 0 866 1912
< 256>internal3.rx: 10398 2661 0 0 866 1912 0
< 256>internal4.tx: 10401 2662 0 0 866 1912
< 256>internal4.rx: 10400 2662 0 0 866 1912 0
< 256>internal5.tx: 10401 2662 0 0 866 1912
< 256>internal5.rx: 10401 2662 0 0 866 1912 0
< 256> wan1.tx: 10345 2648 0 0 862 1903
< 256> wan1.rx: 10345 2648 0 0 862 1903 0
< 256> wan2.tx: 10344 2648 0 0 862 1903
< 256> wan2.rx: 10344 2648 0 0 862 1903 0

Interface | packets | K bytes |dropped| oops |pks/sec| K bps
< 512> dmz.tx: 9749 4991 0 0 812 3455
< 512> dmz.rx: 9749 4991 0 0 812 3455 0
< 512>internal1.tx: 9686 4959 0 0 807 3434
< 512>internal1.rx: 9685 4958 0 0 807 3434 0
< 512>internal2.tx: 9686 4959 0 0 807 3434
< 512>internal2.rx: 9686 4959 0 0 807 3434 0
< 512>internal3.tx: 9685 4958 0 0 807 3434
< 512>internal3.rx: 9685 4958 0 0 807 3434 0
< 512>internal4.tx: 9685 4958 0 0 807 3434
< 512>internal4.rx: 9682 4957 0 0 806 3430 0
< 512>internal5.tx: 9685 4958 0 0 807 3434
< 512>internal5.rx: 9685 4958 0 0 807 3434 0
< 512> wan1.tx: 9634 4932 0 0 802 3413
< 512> wan1.rx: 9634 4932 0 0 802 3413 0
< 512> wan2.tx: 9634 4932 0 0 802 3413
< 512> wan2.rx: 9634 4932 0 0 802 3413 0

Interface | packets | K bytes |dropped| oops |pks/sec| K bps
<1024> dmz.tx: 9111 9329 0 0 759 6339
<1024> dmz.rx: 9111 9329 0 0 759 6339 0
<1024>internal1.tx: 9041 9257 0 0 753 6289
<1024>internal1.rx: 9038 9254 0 0 753 6289 0
<1024>internal2.tx: 9041 9257 0 0 753 6289
<1024>internal2.rx: 9041 9257 0 0 753 6289 0
<1024>internal3.tx: 9042 9259 0 0 753 6289
<1024>internal3.rx: 9041 9257 0 0 753 6289 0
<1024>internal4.tx: 9042 9259 0 0 753 6289
<1024>internal4.rx: 9034 9250 0 0 752 6280 0
<1024>internal5.tx: 9042 9259 0 0 753 6289
<1024>internal5.rx: 9042 9259 0 0 753 6289 0
<1024> wan1.tx: 9002 9218 0 0 750 6264
<1024> wan1.rx: 9002 9218 0 0 750 6264 0
<1024> wan2.tx: 9003 9219 0 0 750 6264
<1024> wan2.rx: 9003 9219 0 0 750 6264 0

Interface | packets | K bytes |dropped| oops |pks/sec| K bps
<1518> dmz.tx: 8317 12625 0 0 693 8526
<1518> dmz.rx: 8317 12625 0 0 693 8526 0
<1518>internal1.tx: 8301 12600 0 0 638 7849
<1518>internal1.rx: 8301 12600 0 0 638 7849 0
<1518>internal2.tx: 8301 12600 0 0 638 7849
<1518>internal2.rx: 8301 12600 0 0 638 7849 0
<1518>internal3.tx: 8301 12600 0 0 638 7849
<1518>internal3.rx: 8299 12597 0 0 638 7849 0
<1518>internal4.tx: 8301 12600 0 0 638 7849
<1518>internal4.rx: 8292 12587 0 0 637 7837 0
<1518>internal5.tx: 8301 12600 0 0 638 7849
<1518>internal5.rx: 8301 12600 0 0 638 7849 0
<1518> wan1.tx: 8423 12786 0 0 647 7960
<1518> wan1.rx: 8423 12786 0 0 647 7960 0
<1518> wan2.tx: 8423 12786 0 0 647 7960
<1518> wan2.rx: 8423 12786 0 0 647 7960 0

NETBT device stopped.

<== Network Interface Controller Test - PASS

==> LED Test

Instruction: For each of the following LED tests, please press SPACEBAR for PASS, or ENTER for FAILURE.
Please press SPACEBAR to begin...





<== LED Test - PASS

Test End at UTC Time Sun Jan 4 17:09:08 1970

Elapsed Time: 598 Seconds(9m58s).

============== Fortinet Hardware Quick Inspection Report ==================

BIOS Integrity Check: PASS
System Configuration Check: PASS
Memory Test: PASS
CPU/Memory Performance Test: PASS
FortiASIC Test: PASS
WiFi Wireless Card Test: PASS
USB Test: N/A (0 USB Devices)
Boot Device Test: PASS
Hard Disk Test: N/A (0 Hard Disks)
Network Interface Controller Test: PASS

============== Fortinet Hardware Quick Inspection PASSED ==================


Does it mean that there are 2 device recongnized by FWF60C ?

One is CF (the external USB as the boot device)?

And another device that seems like a storage space that can store something,

but I'm not sure that is it the internal flash?

p.s.I didn't add any more device on FWF60C (only the USB, JetFlash Transcend 16GB)



LiaoYuRuei wrote:

Does it mean that there are 2 device recongnized by FWF60C ?

One is CF (the external USB as the boot device)?

And another device that seems like a storage space that can store something,

but I'm not sure that is it the internal flash?

p.s.I didn't add any more device on FWF60C (only the USB, JetFlash Transcend 16GB)

No it isn't. As you can see it detects on the deviceinfo totaly 1 device.

In "get hardwarestatus" you that the CF and the HDD is mapped on the same Device SDA.

Normaly it should be sda for CF and sdb for a second device.


On the resultpage you see that no HDD is found: Hard Disk Test: N/A (0 Hard Disks)

The test seems to misinterprets some things.

In fact that all tests passed it seems that the test cannot differ between the Stick and the internal Flash.

The device accepts sda always as the internal flash so he don't know that this is really an external Stick.


The usb.c Error messages see something but cannot access them.

Since the base system is Linux the errorcode -110 points mostly to a faulty USB communication.

In your case the internal flash which comunicates also via USB. The only difference ist that the internal

flash is hardwired. As we know that there exists some possible steps to disable the internal flash

via Jumper.  So something other is happend with your device.


On the condition that there is no warranty on the 60c do you have opend it and search for some strange things?

Are there Jumpers or a connector which called JUSB ?

If you can make some sharpen pictures we have the abbility to see soething.


I see that the 60C have a Expresscard slot. Is this empty? Are they no other things in it?



Hello Chris:

Thanks for your relpy,

I'm thinking about that if there is a way to mount internal flash as FWF60C's /dev/sdb?

Valued Contributor III

In the past I had a non-functioning 50[a|b] or 60[a|b] (not sure of the exact box) and it would not boot at all. Seems it was dropped and the CF card pulled out from the socket. I opened it up and reinserted the CF card and it was back to normal. Now this was over 5 years ago, so the internal layout may be different. Also, it was out of warranty so I had nothing to lose. Your mileage may vary.

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:
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