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External Captive Portal 5.2

Hi , Anybody checked this option? I would like to use this feature, but have few doubts. I would like users to use the our internal employee portal to authenticate. 1. How the authentication will happen? 2. How do I validate the particular group ? ( I know it' s something related with those guys , but still if anybody having the same scenario,i am expecting help from them) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My testing was like this below. set security-mode captive-portal set security-external-web ' '" set replacemsg-override-group ' ' set security-redirect-url ' '" set security-exempt-list ' ' set security-groups " " My understanding is that unless the page has redirected to the given one, it would not authenticate. But my authentication simply happens when the page opens... means even without the login , I am able to surf internet. Please share your thoughts.. :)
Nihas [\b]
Nihas [\b]
New Contributor

Any idea, how we can ensure the authentication through an external portal?
Nihas [\b]
Nihas [\b]

Old thread, but going to jump in because I am wondering the same thing ...


There is a Cookbook now that mentions how to configure this here:


What I am trying to figure out, is how to create this for guest users. We don't need them to actually authenticate, as they won't have user accounts. Just want to do simple email address validation (regex) which will also force them to accept our disclaimer, and then let them in.


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