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DMZ - IP Address conflict!

I can' t figure this out. I have Fortigate-60 (firmware 413 - build8424) and have DMZ interface configured with the address I have a PC directly connected to the DMZ port with a static address For some reason, the PC will not connect to the network. Windows complains that there is an IP address conflict with another system on the network. Checking the logs on the PC and it shows the conflict is with the DMZ interface. ( I can tell by the MAC address.) Am I missing something here????? Any suggestions at all are appreciated.
Valued Contributor III

I have seen similar problems a long time ago on Windows 95 machines. The NIC card had to be removed an re installed (electronically, not physically). If you change the IP address, and the conflict message comes up with the new IP address as well, it' s probably a Windows problem. Try to reinstall and connect again.

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:
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Bob - thanks for the suggestion. I did try with different addresses: DMZ - PC - Same result. I just discovered the packet sniffer in the Fortigate unit. I turned it on to sniff all packets on the DMZ port. Then I disabled and enabled the NIC on the PC. ---- sniffer output --- 342.536080 arp who-has tell 342.536138 arp reply is-at 0:9:f:b:90:3d ----- -------- This is the weird part - the MAC address listed (0:9:f:b:90:3d) is the DMZ port. Why does the DMZ port think that it has the .10 address???
Valued Contributor III

Try another PC. See if the problem stays there with the FGT.

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:
New Contributor

Something is corrupt on that PC. Notice on your packet sniff that is asking who-has Why would a device ask for the MAC address of itself?
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FCSE > FCNSP 2.8 > FCNSP 3.0 (Former) FCT

ORIGINAL: Fireshield Something is corrupt on that PC. Notice on your packet sniff that is asking who-has Why would a device ask for the MAC address of itself?
I doubt it would be the PC doing the arp reply, thats most likely the firewall causingt this, try another pc. Do you have the pc directly connected to the dmz port? or with a switch in between? if the latter any other devices connected? do you have the firewall in NAT mode or Transparent mode? otherwise as ede_pfau asked what about DHCP/VIPS? something fishy here.... very odd ...
UK Based Technical Consultant FCSE v2.5 FCSE v2.8 FCNSP v3 Specialising in Systems, Apps, SAN Storage and Networks, with over 25 Yrs IT experience.
UK Based Technical Consultant FCSE v2.5 FCSE v2.8 FCNSP v3 Specialising in Systems, Apps, SAN Storage and Networks, with over 25 Yrs IT experience.
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Good point, Fireshield. Thanks for your comments, gents. I am going to try with a different PC and see if the results differ...

- You' re 100% sure you didn' t mis-type one of the addresses? One can mix up .1 and .10 easily. - Another idea: do you have any proxy IDs or VIPs configured? - Do you have a DHCP server configured on the DMZ interface? BTW, what is the other network the FGT is connected to? - Ede
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
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Just thought of a couple of other things;, Check you havent got an VIP " IP POOL" in use on the DMZ interface? Check you havent got a VIP using the DMZ interface (like an entry) and you have rebooted the firewall since changing the ip, havent you? Run the command " get system arp" and print the results here as well. The first one in the list above would be the most possible problem.
UK Based Technical Consultant FCSE v2.5 FCSE v2.8 FCNSP v3 Specialising in Systems, Apps, SAN Storage and Networks, with over 25 Yrs IT experience.
UK Based Technical Consultant FCSE v2.5 FCSE v2.8 FCNSP v3 Specialising in Systems, Apps, SAN Storage and Networks, with over 25 Yrs IT experience.
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Thanks for the suggestions! I double-checked the IP addresses to make sure it wasn' t just a typo causing all the problems. In fact, I replaced all the addresses with a new set and still had the conflict DHCP server is not active on the FG-60. No proxy IDs are configured. One VIP is configured for doing address translation from Internet to DMZ. The FG-60 is connected to the Internet via wan1 to a Cisco router. The corporate network is connected via internal port to an HP switch. The DMZ has only one machine connected to it - and it is directly connected to the DMZ port. I ran the command ' get system arp' . Here is the output: FGT-602904402748 # get system arp Address Age(min) Hardware Addr Interface 0 00:c0:9f:2a:fd:f2 internal 0 00:11:20:4c:bf:42 internal 1 00:12:d9:17:86:1e internal 0 00:19:30:dd:9c:c4 internal 0 00:0f:ea:78:de:70 internal 5 00:15:f2:4c:90:86 internal 0 00:80:5f:9f:68:6a internal 0 00:16:36:36:18:ff internal 0 00:c0:a8:8b:bb:77 internal 6 00:16:36:71:7a:2e internal 0 00:17:08:5e:e2:9d internal 2 00:16:cb:a3:7d:3c internal 0 00:17:08:5f:1e:b6 internal 0 00:0f:b0:86:be:c9 internal 0 00:11:d8:6a:b2:f6 internal 0 00:c0:9f:8b:27:a7 internal 0 00:0a:e4:a0:40:b0 internal 4 00:0e:a6:80:2a:48 internal 0 00:15:f2:45:34:85 internal 0 00:02:16:de:36:41 wan1 I notice that the DMZ doesn' t report its address! That' s not right, is it?

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