several ways to solve, i don' t want what firmware build are you' re running on, so i guess:
. go to
lookup your blocked url to figure out what WF category filters it
Look into protection profile you' ve applied to your websurfing policy
go to FortiGuard WebFiltering to that WF cathegory that filtered your url,
you can take several paths:
- disable blocking that WF category
- check ' Allow Override' feature for that category, go to WebFilter->FG-WFilter->Override and define a New Override Rule for site/s
you are interested in; select Scope to " Profile" and select protection profile
mentioned above.
- you can whitelist those URLs you trust in: WebFilter->ContentBlock->WebContent Exempt
Ensure your protection profile has webcontent exempt box checked.
Review this article:
to get an idea about WF ordering
If you consider that some websites are bad-cathegorized sent that to Fortinet fot
recategorization using the same URL cited above
hope it helps.