The dual link is same ISP. When I shipped the Fortigare wifi60c, I placed both wans in a zone called Internet exactly as you describe. When we were notified of the issue, I removed the zone.
UPDATED info....Packet Tracer:
From a PC connected behind the Fortigate. Using Chrome or any browser, ; output below.
FWF60C3G11011929 # diagnose debug flow filter saddr
FWF60C3G11011929 # diagnose debug flow filter dport 80
FWF60C3G11011929 # diagnose debug flow show console enable
FWF60C3G11011929 # diagnose debug flow trace start 20
FWF60C3G11011929 # id=36870 trace_id=2 msg=" vd-root received a packet(proto=6,> from internal."
id=36870 trace_id=2 msg=" Find an existing session, id-00000ad6, original direction"
id=36870 trace_id=2 msg=" SNAT>"
id=36870 trace_id=3 msg=" vd-root received a packet(proto=6,> from internal."
id=36870 trace_id=3 msg=" allocate a new session-00000af3"
id=36870 trace_id=3 msg=" find a route: gw- via wan2"
id=36870 trace_id=3 msg=" find SNAT: IP-, port-60844"
id=36870 trace_id=3 msg=" Allowed by Policy-2: SNAT"
id=36870 trace_id=3 msg=" SNAT>"
id=36870 trace_id=4 msg=" vd-root received a packet(proto=6,> from internal."
id=36870 trace_id=4 msg=" Find an existing session, id-00000af3, original direction"
id=36870 trace_id=4 msg=" SNAT>"
id=36870 trace_id=5 msg=" vd-root received a packet(proto=6,> from internal."
id=36870 trace_id=5 msg=" Find an existing session, id-00000af3, original direction"
id=36870 trace_id=5 msg=" SNAT>"
id=36870 trace_id=6 msg=" vd-root received a packet(proto=6,> from internal."
id=36870 trace_id=6 msg=" find a route: gw- via wan2"
FWF60C3G11011929 # diagnose snifferid=36870 trace_id=7 msg=" vd-root received a packet(proto=6,> from internal."
id=36870 trace_id=7 msg=" find a route: gw- via wan2"