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After opening port 80 at URL, telnet is reachable but tcpdump showing it's not reachable


as i opened port 80 on a particular URL so i did telnet to URL on port 80 and it's reachable. But when i took the tcpdump of URL so it's saying that http forbidden access and it's not reachable. 


guys please help out me and kindly share a sample of policy that should be use to allow a URL on port 80 and avoid "Forbidden access" message although it reachable when i did telnet to URL on port 80.


kindly advise. Thanks 


did you open the port only for specific ips and did you then do the tcpdump from none of those?


"It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes." - Douglas Adams

-- "It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes." - Douglas Adams
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dear, i only opened at particular URL but i see there are two different IP addresses behind the URL. so do you suggest to open port 80 on particular IP addresses. 


Or it is enough to open port 80 on particular URL it will cover the IP addresses behind the URL.

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