Hi there all,
gear used is a 60B with a modem in bridge mode supplying the local network at home on an ADSL service DHCPed.
The connection works fine, all services from the protected side go out and do their thing.
BUT the problem is the dam ADSL service is a rolling network IP, all depends on the ISPs' DHCP time out or line faults that drop out the line, lucky me.
I have the DYNDNS area setup with a paid service, now every thing works fine up to the IP change, the DYNDNS service does it thing, but the IP numbers with in the rules for port forwarding do not, they stay at what they where before.
Now is there anyway of setting up the 60B it has firmware version v4.0,build0346,120606 (MR2 Patch 12) installed.
I do not what to throw more money at the ADSL service as one day we should be getting an upgrade (har har) and going to a static address is very costly why, don' t ask.
I look forward to any ideas or criticisms and I hope I have not offended anybody.