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monitor if my fortiGate Wan goes down

Hi, i have a fortiGate 80-C unit that is on a remote location. The configuration is i believe fine. I also have a fortimanager 100 to manage these devices. I want to monitor the Wan INT to know if the link is turned down i need my fortimanager to send me an email telling me my T1 link is now down. I tried many things and i can' t manage to have this to work. I am able to get the traffic used on my machine interfaces and the memory and CPU usage in my real time Monitor. I can' t find a way to make this works, does anyone have an idea? for information, both my manager and my fortiGate use the firmware 4 MR2 THX Charles-Olivier Henry
New Contributor

Hi Charles, Check the link below : (Title - Managing Devices)
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Hi hidayet, Thanks for your quick reply and for guiding me to the documentation. But I actualy already have this documentation and I read the section for a second time after you pointed it out to me but i still can' t manage to get my fortimanager to send me an allert email when my T1 link goes down. My T1 link is connected to my Wan 1 fortinet port. And i don' t have any problem to manage the device. I actually already have 2 other devices that i manage with my fortimanager. I am able to monitor the CPU and the memory, but not send any alerts to me!! Thanks four your help. An thanks to any one that helps or have an idea. I am open to any good ideas so don' t hesitate to say something no matter how weird it may be. Charles-Olivier
Valued Contributor III

Are you sending the alert out the WAN port that is down? (Just a simple logic question, no offense...)

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:

No, not really. I have a fortigate on a distant site and this site is connected and reachable by my T1 link. This T1 link is the only external link of the distant site. So in short. I manage my fortiGate from the link i want to monitor if it goes down I have here in my office a FortiManager 100. This is the device that will send the alert so i don' t sent the alert by the link that goes down but i manage the device from that link (it is confusing i Know sorry). I hope i managed to clarify some things for you and thanks for your help. Charles-Olivier
New Contributor III

I hope this may help 1. enable ping server on the interface that you want to monitor 2. use SNMP to send arlets This what we finally decided last time acustomer asked a similar solution, if you are an SNMP person you will know what I am trying to say....
hezvo uko
hezvo uko
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Hi and thank you claumakurumure, Indeed, the information I gathered in the last fews days all directed me thowards the use of SNMP to monitor my interface. However, I don' t understand much how SNMP Works. I am reading on it and doing test in my Test Environment, I didn' t manage to make it Work yet, but I' m pretty Hard Headed so i won' t give up so easily. But there is some information I can' t find. I hope you or someone else may answers these simple questions. 1- In order to use SNMP do i really need to have my Distant Wan Int on my Firewall accept Echo replies (PING)? 2- Do I need to check the SNMP box on my Wan Interface on my FortiGate or I am i doing it wrong in doing So? 3- If I activate SNMP Will the SNMP messages be transfered in Raw data on the Internet or will it use the Automatic tunnel that is created between the FortiGate and the FortiManager? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- edit discovered information after some work done ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi everyone, I was working on the SNMP link with FortiManager and My FortiGate to try to configure the SNMP and I noticed something strange. I tried to add in my FortiGate the same community I configured on my FortiManager. However, it warns me that this community already exists. But doesn' t show it to me!!! After some research I believe that the SNMP is automatically configured between my FortiGate and the FortiManager once they synchronize. I also believe that if this the case then the information sent via the SNMP message indeed use the build in VPN tunnel that is created between the manager and the managed unit. Alright so my question is this one. If i am able to receive the alarms when my FortiGate memory usage is higher that it should be and if i can' t use the SNMP how do i manage to Monitor if my T1 link goes down. I have the idea of creating a ping server that pings every 10 seconds my devices and if the server doesn' t receive an echo reply 3 times in a row (I will have a 30 second delay) then the link is down and i will tell my server send me an email or an SMS. Did anyone managed to do this with their Devices? Mines are running on FortiOs 4.0 mr2. If not, i guess i will need to program my ping server. Thanks again for your help Charles-Olivier

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