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days for generating a report on FAZ 400C



we have this kind of issues on our FORTIANALYZER since we have it, but actually it is extremly slow for generating reports, even very small ones. So It is difficult to understand. Generate a report can take until 14 days for 10 pages...


Could you telle me if there is any way to troubleshoot for one report how it has be made ?


Thanks in advance for the advices.


FAZ 400C

Logs /sec : often below the sustained Log rate of 200Actual Log insert time 14000 seconds. ( Working on a report for quite 3 days... )

Number of devices : 75 / 300 allowed

Gb / day : 2.41 / 15 Licensed

Firmware : v5.2.5-build3175 160119 (GA)



New Contributor

Hi Hz,


We use monthly reports, actually nothing changed, the pending is growing very slowly :


FortiAnalyzer-400C # dia test app sqlrptcached 2 Number of log table read: all=4170(fortiview=2016, rpt=2154) pending=1923 Number of log table done: all=4169(fortiview=2016, rpt=2153)

I ask myself if we should not simply rebuild the database as it is explained in this KB :


I also saw something concerning the storage, maybe we have a storage issue ?


Total: 71 log devices, used=491253MB quota=754000MB ADOM Name                    ADOM OID      Type UsedSpace(database) Quota(database)  % Used root                           3           FGT        280415MB       249720MB         112.29% rootp                          10          FGT             0MB            0MB         0.00% FortiMail                      1034        FML          5126MB         6000MB         85.43% FortiCache                     1036        FCH             0MB            0MB         0.00% FortiWeb                       1037        FWB             0MB            0MB         0.00% Syslog                         1039        SYS          4195MB         6600MB         63.56% FortiClient                    1040        FCT             0MB            0MB         0.00% FortiAnalyzer                  1041        FAZ             0MB            0MB         0.00% FortiSandbox                   1043        FSA             0MB            0MB         0.00% FortiCarrier                   1045        FGT             0MB            0MB         0.00% Trapil                         1239        FGT        111684MB       183600MB         60.83% FortiManager                   1512        FMG             0MB            0MB         0.00% Total database usage: 12 ADOMs, used=401420MB quota=445920MB 90.02%. Total Quota Summary:     Total Quota(MB)  Allocated(MB)    Available(MB)    Allocate%     1690399          754000           936399           45 % System Storage Summary:     Total(MB)        Used(MB)         Available(MB)    Use%     1877791          656739           1221052          35 % Reserved space: 187392MB (10% of total space).

Before opening a case, I prefer trying doing things by myself if possible :)


Rebuilding database and less devices quotas could be good to do according to you ?



New Contributor

Hi hz,


thanks for your reply, I have to plan this with my boss, I will update this thread as soon as possible.


See you



New Contributor

I forgot to tell you something.


For storage issue, we can see that root database is overquota.


Then, here is the status of rebuild, it is old, isnt it ?


FortiAnalyzer-400C # diagnose sql status rebuild-db Rebuilding log SQL database accomplished on Thu Sep  4 11:41:38 2014




Yes, you can try rebuild DB for sure.  After rebuild DB, you can try to run the first report, this could take long time to finish, because all cache tables will be created during report running. But you will see must shorter time after the first report.





New Contributor

Hi hz,


the rebuild is achieved. I have made some tests, I have understood the cause of my empty reports. It is due to a report group bad setup apparently. By rebuilding the cache for one week, ask for the week concerned report, after deleting report group setup, I have a report in one minute and 48 seconds. For me it is OK.


Could you give me an example of a working report group setup please ?


Thanks a lot in advance for your help.




Hi JS,


I just noticed the "group by" has wrong config in you setting.

please try:

config system report group edit 1 set adom "Trapil" config group-by edit devid next edit vd end set report-like Rapport next edit 2 set adom root set case-insensitive disable config group-by edit devid next edit vd end set report-like "RAPPORT MENSUEL" end




New Contributor

Hi hz,


thanks for your reply, I will test the report group conf you gave to me next week, because I relaunched all my reports to give them to my customers. It is working actually.


I will inform you about report group certainly in 15 days for the monthly reports of last April month.


Thanks a lot for your help.


Best regards.



New Contributor II


We have the same problem. We also have a 400C with about 600GB of logs for roughly 17 devices.

Reports that we generate (although alot of graphs) takes 2-3 days per device for the last month.


The problem I have concluded is that the hardware is shit slow. Nothing more to it. It can´t handle it well. The 400C as I see it is fit for 1 device, maby 2. Not more.


Fortunatly we have a new VM, custom built on our way in. Benched it yesterday and got the same report in 16 min.

New Contributor

Hi hz,

how are you ? :)


I have put you in attachment the report group test I have prepared for next month reports. Is this correct for you ?


5 Devices, trough the quite common title of reports, have been chosen for the test :


config system report group     edit 1         set adom "root"         set case-insensitive disable             config group-by                 edit "devid"                 next                 edit "vd"                 next             end         set report-like "RAPPORT MENSUEL C"     next end


New Contributor

hi hz,


For me it is solved. I have had all my reports. And my 5 devices in a report group got me quick reports and not empty this time. I have to generalize the configuration.


Thanks again !


Cheers :)




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