Report "last 7 days" doesn't include today's logs. Because $filter will
automatically add device and time filter to your query, please make sure
you have correctly set time period in report settings. You can use
Today/This Week/This Month/This Year o...
Hi shaneboy, Because of the hcache, do not join $log with other
tables.Try below query:select app, sum(case when dom=to_char(now(),
'YYYY-MM-DD') then bandwidth else 0 end) as today_bandwidth,
cast(sum(bandwidth)/count(distinct dom) as decimal(18,0))...
Hi there, You can use filter family(srcip)=6 for ipv6 traffic.For
example:select devid, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))
as bandwidth from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and
family(srcip)=6 group by devid order by bandwidth desc...
Currently we have 20 XML APIs on FAZ, and no plan to develop new XML
APIs for now. Instead, we have many new JSON APIs, I would suggest you
check JSON documents if need more functions.