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Web Category Report

Hi, I hope someone can help, or point me in the right direction! I' m trying to generate a line graph that shows the volume of " Job Search" category sites down the site, and the date(s) along the bottom. The " Job Search" category is monitored in the UTM Policy. I have a graph that shows volume and domain, but can' t seem to work out how to change the domain for the date! I' m a beginner with SQL, so please be gentle :)

AlBrown, could you paste in the dataset query you are using right now to populate your chart?
New Contributor

Hi, Thanks for looking at this! I' m currently using the default dataset called " webfilter-Web-Activity-Summary-By-Requests" , setting the chart details to: Category: Network Usage Dataset: webfilter-Web-Activity-Summary-By-Requests Graph type: Line Line Subtype: stacked Resolve Hostnames: Yes X-Axis Data Binding: allowed_requests Y-Axis Data Binding: hodex I' ve spend ages looking for a better dataset that will produce the info I' m looking for, and think I need to run a custom SQL query? Thanks again!
Valued Contributor

Hi try the dataset for the line graph: SELECT $flex_timescale AS hodex, `catdesc`, COUNT(*) AS totalnum FROM $log-webfilter WHERE $filter AND `action`=' passthrough' AND `catdesc`=' Job Search' AND `url` !~* ' \.bmp|\.css|\.dtd|\.ico|\.gif|\.js|\.json|\.jpg|\.jpeg|\.jsp|\.png|\.xslt' GROUP BY hodex, `catdesc` ORDER BY hodex ASC Use the hodex and totalnum for the graph only. The problem is that I am on FAZ-VM v5.0.7 and the line graph is not working. I am sure that it is a bug becuse the Bandwidh Summary chart is defined as a table but if you run a report with this chart you will see line graph with X,+Y and -Y. Can someone confirm it that this behaviour is not on my FAZ only?



>>The problem is that I am on FAZ-VM v5.0.7 and the line graph is not working. I am sure that it is a bug becuse the Bandwidh Summary chart is defined as a table but if you run a report with this chart you will see line graph with X,+Y and -Y. >>Can someone confirm it that this behaviour is not on my FAZ only? Yes, this is a bug and has been fixed, please try again in our next release.
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Hi hzhao_FTNT, thanks for confirmation.


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Hi AtiT, Thanks for replying! I' ll try this and let you know how it goes!
New Contributor

Hi AtiT, I tried creating a new dataset with the code you posted, however when I click test to says there is no data, and when I try to add it to a line graph he only Axis options I have are catdesc and total_sessions...
Valued Contributor

Hi, It seems that you do not have extended-utm-log enabled on the foritgate under the webfilter profile. You can also to genereate the results from the Traffic log like this: SELECT $flex_timescale AS hodex, COUNT(*) AS totalnum FROM $log-traffic WHERE $filter AND `catdesc`=' Job Search' AND `action` IN (' accept' ,' close' ) AND `utmevent` IN (' webfilter' , ' banned-word' , ' web-content' , ' script-filter' , ' command-block' , ' script-filter' ) AND `utmaction`=' passthrough' GROUP BY hodex ORDER BY hodex ASC After then you create a Table Chart - not Line chart as the following - set the Display mode to LINE: Have a fun! :)


Valued Contributor

One more thing - This is for the FAZ OS version 5.0.7. I do not know what is your FAZ version. In case you have earlier version probably you will need to replace the `action` with `status`.


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