I think I solved it. At least it works on my test PC. Will try it on my production PC’s today.
The issue with “Unavailable-Device missing†for a device is that there are no miniports installed on the PC. Most support techs that have no clue other then how there product works will often tell you that you need to format and reinstall your OS witch was the case with fortinet support. To me that’s not an acceptable answer. If reinstalling your OS will fix the issue then that means that it’s a software or configuration issue that can be repaired without the need to reinstall.
I found that there were no Miniports installed on the PC. You can see if this is the case on your system by going to Control panel, system, Hardware, Device Manager, click on View, Show hidden devices. Under Network Adapters you should see a series of WAN Miniport (IP, PPPOE, PPTP….). These ports are often used for different adapters like VPN clients for example. If the Miniports are not visible you will need to reinstall them.
First download devcon.exe. This is a utility from Microsoft. When that is done you can find the different miniport driver names associated to your OS in the following file c:\windows\inf\netrasa.inf. This path is for Windows XP and it will be different for other OS.
Here are the command lines I used in XP to reinstall the needed Miniports.
devcon.exe install c:\windows\inf\netrasa.inf MS_PppoeMiniport
devcon.exe install c:\windows\inf\netrasa.inf MS_NdisWanIp
devcon.exe install c:\windows\inf\netrasa.inf MS_PptpMiniport
devcon.exe install c:\windows\inf\netrasa.inf MS_L2tpMiniport
Reboot your PC following these commands.
You will probably need to reinstall your VPN client or hardware driver that was not functioning before. This will reinitialize binding to the Miniports.
This is a result of a few days works so I hope this will help somebody out there.