Hi Jan Scholten!
Is it something like this you are looking for?
allowed-source-destination-service by bandwidth
SELECT `srcip`, `dstip`, `service`, SUM(COALESCE(`sentbyte`,0)+COALESCE(`rcvdbyte`,0)) AS bandwidth
FROM $log
WHERE `status`=' accept'
GROUP BY `srcip`, `dstip`, `service`
ORDER BY bandwidth DESC
For blocked traffic is better to check the sessions to see what is mostly denied:
denied-source-destination-service by session
SELECT `srcip`, `dstip`, `service`, COUNT(*) AS totalnum
FROM $log
WHERE `status`=' deny'
GROUP BY `srcip`, `dstip`, `service`
ORDER BY totalnum DESC
All dataset for traffic logtype.
Dataset for version 5.0.2 but it will be the same for older versions - check the fields.