I was wondering what kind of speed / performance others are getting with the SSL VPN in tunnel mode.
I have a FortiGate 80C and a 10Mbps Internet connection.
I have been running some download speed tests. I' m downloading a folder containing 129 files with a grand total of 130 MB.
On a 4G WiFi (12,000 kbps), it takes 12 minutes to download which works out to 1,444 kbps.
On a Comcast line (14,000 kbps), it takes 9 minutes 30 seconds which works out to 1,824 kbps.
The 4G & Comcast speeds are based on speeds tests from DSL Reports. So even if you take those with a grain of salt, I still expect the download speed to closer match my slowest connection. At least on the Comcast line I would expect higher, double for example.
I talked to a Fortinet consultant at a trade show who said to check my CPU% because 80C' s vpn is totally software based and doesn' t have a special chip (n2p?) to accelerate VPN performance. So I did that and the CPU percentage number got more than 14%. He thought if the CPU was limiting, the % would jump to 100%.
What kind of file transfer speeds are others getting via SSL VPN? Or does anyone have any tips (other than lowering encryption) to get more speed out of it?