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SSL VPN Connection Error with LDAP



last week we updated our FG cluster to FG200F with 7.4.5.

We had some problems but in general it seems quite OK. Only with SSL VPN we still have problems and we cnat get it functioning.

1. Connecting with Local User it works fine, I get the certificate window and I can login, no prob!
2. User from LDAP, connection to LDAP works fine, I can even test my credentials and OK but than connecting to the SSL VPN I dont geht the ceretificate pop up and after 48% I get Permission denied and -455

We did the same as in all other FGs. We imported the same remote certificate and everywhere it works. We checked groups and everything and it should be OK.

In System Events VPN I get:
Action ssl-login-fail
Reason sslvpn_login_unknown_user


What else can we try? It seems like the FG is not checking the certificate and we try with "Require Client certificate" and without and no change 




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