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S2S IPsec FortiGate Wont come up, Can not ping 2 of the 3 sites from FG or Windows

Hi all! Still learning the FortiOS and have run into a issue and its time critical i get it fixed ( Sites need to print Paychecks tomorrow ) 


So 2 of my 3 tunnels when down and i started with trying to ping the Public IPs and sure enough from CLI Fortinet/windows i can not ping those public IPs but if i log into the comcast modem can ping the public IP addresses and if i go to the other 3 sites and ping the Main sites IP that come back as responding from Fortinet/Windows and the Modems. Any ideas on what may have gone down or broke?


Any help is appreciated! 


Hello Geovantae, good day!

sure enough from CLI Fortinet/windows i can not ping those public IPs
>>> please grab the output of the following from FGT CLI: [please obfuscate sensitive details]

exe ping
get router info routing-table all
get router info routing-table details
get router info routing-table details <Remote-public-IP>


These commands will verify the routing on the FortiGate.


Also, here are few articles you can follow to TS the issue:

Much Thanks.

Best regards,


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