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Contributor II

Route traffic using Fortiswitch, but witouth Inter VLAN Routing

Hi all ¡¡

I want to configure 2 stand alone fortiswitches, forming an MCLAG with ICL. Afther that, I want to define 3 VLANS, each one with a layer 3 address. For example: Vlan 1 Vlan 2 Vlan 3


The fortiswitch will be configured with default route (firewall) connected to VLAN 1.


Finally, I want these 3 Vlans can route traffic (using the static route configured) but , I don't want these 3 Vlans can route traffic between them witouth previously leave Fortiswitch.


For example, we have a server1 connected to VLAN 1, with IP and default gateway that wants to connect with server2 connected to Vlan 3 with default gateway


The flow traffic that I'm looking for Layer 3 is:  SERVER1 --> FORTISWITCH --> ROUTER -->FORTISWITCH-->SERVER2


I have read about offload IP options, but Im not sure wether enable or disable it, the layer 3 of the switch could work this way. Maybe, another option to ge it could be using VRF ...


Thanks ¡¡¡








Thanks for your help. It's not an usual scenary, I think the best way to achieve this will be using VRFs.


If you want to pass all the traffic for this 3 VLANs through the router, than technically you don't need this L3 interfaces in the switch. You can span the VLANs and have their gateways configured as sub-interface in the router.

- Emirjon
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This L3 switch, needs to route the traffic to two different routers before it arrives them. I don't want to bypass the traffic troughth it at L2. Thanks in any case, I'm going to do that configuration using VRFs.

New Contributor III

Did you finally get this working? I have two Fortiswitches and the L3 Routing portion working with BGP back to Amazon AWS, But I am confused on the mclag portion. I have been unable to get any IP traffic from a host on any of the vlan's to cross the switch over to AWS hosts (layer2 to layer3?). I am looking at this and have not had success. Can you share some pointers?


Hi Jroy, I'm going to do that next week. I have not done it before because I was waiting for "advanced licenses" to can work with VRF and I have obtained them this week.


I have another switches with MCLAG created working well, but ayone using dinamic routing protocol. If you want it, I can attach you the configuration from one of these MCLAGs but I'm not sure if it goes to help you. If you have problems, maybe is because you don't have advanced license to work well with advanced configurations.

New Contributor III

I have advanced license applied. The BGP is working on the Fortiswitch and I will revisit MCLAG at a later date. I would love to see your settings/configs when you get it completed :)


In the end I didn't do it. My FSW model, doesn't support VRFs. Regards.

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