Hi all,I would like to ban some IPs when an DoS attack ocurrs. I'm
trying to do that using stitch, and "anomaly logs" trigger action. The
problem is that I cannot stablish a count number or filter whith
"anomaly logs". I don't want to ban an IP when ...
Hi all¡¡ In short, we have a Server for softphones in our DMZ and
internal ToIP Servers. All traffic between servers passes trought a
Fortigate. All traffic I'm going to talk about is SIP UDP Traffic. There
is some strange things I don't understand. ...
Hi all¡ I have a simple scenario where 2 fortigates connect to area 0
using a Point to Point OSPF network and a /30 IPv4 network.One
distributes connected routes and the other receives them. I would like
to filter some of those routes using a route m...
Hi all, I have 2 switches connected to 2 fortigate interfaces that forms
a software switch. This software switch routes some Vlans that
terminates at these ports. Both ports share layer 2 and 3 parameters.
When traffic from different vlans reaches fi...
Hi all,I have read some post to try to configure my fortigate 600E like
a reverse proxy. The posts are closed, and that is the reason why I
opening this.. I would like to emulate a reverse proxy to connect to
internal servers (not DMZ servers) using ...
There was a misunderstanding between the ToIP server administrators and
us. The sniffer was not clear but the FW is letting the right thing
through. Feel free to delete this post and sorry for the inconvenience.
Thanks Toshi,I have tried some options, using area 0 or creating a new
area between those 2 firewalls and the new link point to point. Finally
I'm going to put them all in area 0. It's a good option for what I want
and it works perfectly.
Thanks for your help, you are right. The route is filtered before it
enters in the RIB. For me is a good option cause I need to filter it to
avoid routing problems. There is no problem if the route is on the OSPF
data base. We are talking about 192.1...
Thanks for your help Toshi ¡¡ It makes sense that as it is a common
database you cannot filter routes, but I have tryed using a prefix-list
and it works perfectly, not applyed at source. config router
prefix-listedit "PREFIX"config ruleedit 1set acti...