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New Contributor III

Resource Requirements (CPU/MEM/DISK) for FSSO DC Agents and Collector Agents?



I can't find info regarding the resource requirement (CPU, Memory, Disk) for the FSSO DC Agents and Collector Agents.


Can anyone point me in the direction of a document that details this information please?


I know it's... "not much" but I'm working with a client who needs something a little more accurate than this.


Many thanks in advance!


Hi @mattw 



This is small piece of software which you install on your Servers which l utilizes a small amount of disk space, but related to CPU/memory usages it depends on amount of data it process and you can monitor this from your Server itself like any service/application which are running on your server.


I doubt we have a document which talks about the CPU/memory/Disk requirement specifically for FSSO Agents.


Best Regards,




As saneeshpv_FTNT mentioned there is no guide/document/data sheet because it depends from the environment.
You need to know the ration CA/DC and should also be aware that the number of logons/per sec are quite important. 
Example: In a test environment user logons from 16 DC  (50 login/sec per DC-> total of 800/sec.) for 30 minutes - Memory avg : 98 MB.

If I have 1CA/1DC with 50 login per sec for 30 min the average mem usage dropped to 25 MB. 
The rest "CA netload avg" and "Avg CPU" were really low.

So in my view it's hard to give some general "minimum requirements" or "resource requirements", because there are multiple variables which are not the same in every installation.


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New Contributor III

Thank you @saneeshpv_FTNT & @ndumaj.


Welcome mattw,

Hope that the explanation helps to clarify the Client.


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