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New Contributor III

Proxy ARP issues: cannot set interface, SSH different than console, documentation useless

Hi there,


Currently I'm struggling with understanding how you deal with Proxy ARP on the Fortigate. So far support has been of no help (reply=RTFM which is incomprehensible).


Usually (other vendors) you have the choice of enabling/disabling proxy ARP on an interface. Plus some minor options. That's it.


Now, the Fortigate requires me to set an IP and an interface. I believe to understand that I have to manually define each IP for proxy arp? I can live with that, but it is also unclear what the interface it asks for is supposed to be: * Is it the interface where the IP is actually located (which should be implicit from the routing table)? * Is it the interface where the IP should be presented with the MAC of the router (which should be implicit from the interface address)?


Additionally I seem to be unable to activate proxy-arp on a VLAN interface. C'mon.....


FGXXXX# config system proxy-arp
FGXXXX(proxy-arp) # edit 1
new entry '1' added
FGXXXX(1) # set interface
<string>    please input string value
mgmt    interface
ssl.dmgmt-vdom(SSL VPN interface)       interface


FGXXXX # (1) set interface "VLANX_Y"
entry not found in datasource
value parse error before 'VLANX_Y'
Command fail. Return code -3


Best regards,



Hi Mark,


I believe, a VIP can help you in this case.


Fortigate responds to the ARP requests on behalf of the VIP IP. It is allowed to create VIP IP for the VLAN interface as well. 


May I know the actual requirement based, with respect to the traffic?

New Contributor III

vjoshi wrote:

I believe, a VIP can help you in this case.

Fortigate responds to the ARP requests on behalf of the VIP IP. It is allowed to create VIP IP for the VLAN interface as well. 

Now that's a new bit of info, thanks. However, we don't need any NAT or the like, just "plain" proxy ARP. Would you have an example config using a VIP?


May I know the actual requirement based, with respect to the traffic?

The requirement is that the current equipment can be replaced 1-to-1 and the cleanup done later as there is no time for that before. Either a FG can do it or we have to use something else.




I didn't play with this setting but I guess the IP address to enter is the IP address which need to be proxied.


I think the interface you need to indicate is simply the interface receiving the ARP request and which need to answer to the ARP request for the proxied IP address


It seems that indeed you can not specify a VLAN sub interface. Does it mean that if you specify the physical interface where the VLAN sub interfaces are configured , it will be enough to have proxy arp working for all sub interfaces defined on this physical interface ? It would need to be tested in lab




We can't specify any interfaces, except for mgmt and ssl.dmgmt-vdom (see one of the previous posts). Not even the physical interface on which the VLAN is configured.


Can you go in the VDOM where the physical interface belongs to ?


jhouvenaghel wrote:

Can you go in the VDOM where the physical interface belongs to ?

no vdoms here, only root (except of course dedicated management, which I exclude from user vdoms) I haven't tried without, but if the equipment can't handle that, then it's a bug.

New Contributor III

OK I tried it now, it has something to do with dedicated management. Once switched off, I can configure proxy arp. And after switching it on again, I can still configure proxy arp. I diffed the configs from before switching on and off and after, no relevant functional changes shown.

Esteemed Contributor III

Can you describe what your trying to accomplish with proxy-arp. You might be able to get by with another approach but the  proxy-arp setiing .


As far as sub-interface, don't know why your having problems any layer2 ethernet interface that's not in transparent mode should work




FGT100DSPWORK (1) # show config system proxy-arp     edit 1         set interface "vlan88"   <-------sub-interface from a 802.1q tagged member         set ip     next end






PCNSE NSE StrongSwan
New Contributor III

emnoc wrote:

Can you describe what your trying to accomplish with proxy-arp. You might be able to get by with another approach but the  proxy-arp setiing .

It's just that Proxy ARP is currently in use on the equipment that should be replaced by the FG. We can't clean up now. We have to clean up later therefore, the FG must behave more or less the same as the existing equipment.


 As far as sub-interface, don't know why your having problems any layer2 ethernet interface that's not in transparent mode should work

Then there must be sth really special on my end


FG100D # config system proxy-arp

FG100D (proxy-arp) # edit 1
new entry '1' added

FG100D (1) # set interface
<string> please input string value
mgmt interface
ssl.dmgmt-vdom(SSL VPN interface) interface

FG100D (1) # set interface vlan123
entry not found in datasource

value parse error before 'vlan123'
Command fail. Return code -3

(see also attached image)


See also relevant part of config below (there isn't much)

config system global
    set admin-https-ssl-versions tlsv1-0 tlsv1-1 tlsv1-2
    set admintimeout 60
    set fgd-alert-subscription advisory latest-threat
    set gui-ips enable
    set gui-wireless-controller disable
    set hostname "FG100D"
    set internal-switch-mode interface
    set optimize antivirus
    set switch-controller enable
    set timezone 26
config system interface
    edit "mgmt"
        set vdom "dmgmt-vdom"
        set ip x.x.x.x
        set allowaccess ping https ssh snmp http fgfm
        set type physical
        set dedicated-to management
        set snmp-index 8
    edit "ha1"
        set vdom "root"
        set type physical
        set snmp-index 9
    edit "ha2"
        set vdom "root"
        set type physical
        set snmp-index 10
    edit "port5"
        set vdom "root"
        set type physical
        set snmp-index 4
    edit "vlan123"
        set vdom "root"
        set snmp-index 28
        set interface "port5"
        set vlanid 123
config system physical-switch
    edit "sw0"
        set age-val 0
config system ha
    set override disable
config system dedicated-mgmt
    set status enable
    set interface "mgmt"
    set default-gateway x.x.x.x
config system dns
    set primary
    set secondary
config system ntp
    set syncinterval 60
config system settings
config system session-ttl
        config port
            edit 102
                set timeout 28800
config firewall local-in-policy
config router static
    edit 1
        set gateway
        set device "VLAN29_XXX"
    edit 2
        set dst
        set gateway
        set device "VLAN30_XXX"

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